Are you listening?

“Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.'” (Mark 4:9)
Or imagine a minister giving sermon like this, with no explanation.
Just, ‘if you really want to hear God, then pay attention!’
The Lord continues to speak in parables to us, life lessons.
Experiences, circumstances, news stories, movies, books, magazine articles.
I believe that all of life itself speaks to us, if we have ears to hear.
The majority of the people hearing Jesus only heard His parables.
Only the disciples had the benefit of hearing His explanations.
Jesus will explain why He does this, and also what this story means (come back tomorrow).
But for today, consider an experience, event or story in your own life.
What is a life lesson you can learn from the Lord from:
— the current election campaign here in Canada
— the bandwagon for the Blue Jays
— a coworkers battle with cancer
— a near miss while driving on the highway
— a fight with one of your family members
— a news report about a struggling refugee family
— your present financial challenge
— your dissatisfaction with a recent purchase
— your lack of personal time with God
If you are really listening, really paying attention, what might He be saying to you?
“Jesus says, ‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.'” (Mark 4:9)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can think of a number of life lessons from my own situation. But what I really sense You challenging me on is, am I really listening?

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The people followed Him and listened. All kinds of people from all areas of life. They came to listen. The Master teacher did not disappoint. In this parable the Sower sowed His seed and it fell everywhere. The sower was not careful with the seed as a regular sower who would be more accurate in sowing the seed in the prepared soil. God’s seed is for all peoples. His grace is sufficient for all – for all the kinds of people who followed Him. Yet only those who have ears to hear will hear and accept the seed to produce a crop. God’s grace is sufficient for all who want to hear and do His bidding.
    Grace Grace

    God’s Grace

    Grace that will pardon and cleanse within

    Grace Grace

    God’s Grace

    Grace that is greater than all our sin.

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