Focus on Jesus!

SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 1-3
At present we do not see everything subject to them. But we do see Jesus…” (Hebrews 2:8)
God put us in charge of His creation… it doesn’t look too good does it?
Sin, misery and violence have free reign, everything is cursed with death.
We see and experience so much evil… AND, we see Jesus.
“Jesus, Who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.” (Hebrews 2:8-9)
Jesus became “fully human in every way” (Hebrews 2:17) to take things back for God, and for us.
He becomes Adam, refuses to bow to Satan, suffers for it, dies the sinners curse though He did not sin.
Death had no hold on Him; He beat Satan, sin and death, and is now crowned as Adam (Genesis 1:26-28).
This may sound like dry theology, but it is important reality: Jesus is in charge, not Satan.
I am presently weeding the traffic circle garden, filled with lots of day lillies… and weeds.
The weeds are everywhere, choking the life out of the flowers.
But I fix my eyes on the flowers, not the weeds.
I see what should be, what could be, not what is.
We fix our eyes on Jesus, because He is what we will be, and what the world will one day look like.
Keep resisting the weeds of sin and misery, but stay focused on the flower that He is, that we are.
Don’t let the weeds make you quit, let the Flower inspire you – focus on Jesus.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can choose to focus on evil, or I can choose to focus on You. I choose to focus on You, because that is how I want to be. Thank You for taking things back for God, and for us!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The Son is the radiance of His glory, loving righteousness, hating wickedness. We/I am an adopted son and I must do the same – showing that He lives in me and I have the joy of the Lord God in my heart.
    He is my strength and song. It is only by His might I am able to live for Him, doing what is right and good. I am His and He is mine and I am able also to overcome the power of the devil and do good.
    Live for Jesus. Be a faithful servant. Listen for His voice saying ‘Follow Me. This is the Way. Walk in it.’
    Hard hearted?
    Insisting upon my own way?
    Jesus is the answer. I am not. See His hand at work each day. Stop. Look. Listen. And hear Him speaking on this day and always.
    Speak to me, Lord every day.
    Speak to me, Lord—I love to hear what You say.
    Speak to me, Lord until I have heard.
    Speak to me, Lord through Your living Word.
    Speak to me, Lord every day.
    Speak to me, Lord—I love to hear what You say.
    Speak to me, Lord, fill me with light.
    Speak to me, Lord all Your words of life.

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