SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 2:14-4:22
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
We were made to be good like God, to do good, to add to the ‘very goodness’ of creation.
But sinful desires, false ideas, and terrible times have messed up God’s ‘very good’ world.
Jesus came to restore God’s good creation, and His good image-bearers.
Every person who joins Jesus by faith joins His army of ‘good workers’.
The sacred writings help us to see the difference between good and evil, and where they lead.
“These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us…” (1 Corinthians 10:11)
The bible is not a text book, to is a handbook on living the good life (according to God).
It does not give us information so much as inspiration and motivation.
As we read, the Spirit speaks to our hearts, cutting into our soul like a surgeon’s scalpel.
Exposing sinful desires and behaviours, revealing and affirming goodness and integrity.
The key to this process is the ‘God-breathed’, not just in how it was written, but how it works.
The same Spirit that breathed into it’s authors breathes into its readers.
It is not time with the book that matters (it is the medium), but time with the Spirit of God.
Spend time with God, pray through what you read, open your mind to correction and direction.
And you will be equipped to add to the ‘very goodness’ of God’s world.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, today again I have the opportunity to overcome evil with good. May the words I read with You today prune and prepare me to produce good fruit.
Walk the talk standing firm on God’s Word so that all may know you are His. We are all instruments for His purpose/service to do good work. Stay the Way also with the words you speak. Do good to all. Be captive to do His will.
There will be opposition. Stay strong. GodStrong. They will know we are Christians by our love. And because of our lifestyle, there will be opposition. But God has equipped His people with His Word so that we are able to serve.
At all times serve the living God. Stay strong. Stay the Way. GodStrong. He has equipped you to live for Him. Bless others as He has blessed you. Encourage one another. Oneanothering. God gives His people strength and will bring His own home. He is always with us. Always.
1. God gives His people strength.
If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
All those who bear the burden of the day
God gives His people strength.
2. God gives His people hope
If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
God gives His people hope.
3. God gives His people love
If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
He’s always the first to make a start.
God gives His people love.
4. God gives His people peace.
When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
God gives His people peace.