Reading the Bible with Jesus: Psalm 63


You can find more about my weekly Bible readings HERE.
This week I am focusing on Psalm 63 (Monday, August 3 – Sunday August 9)

1. If all scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17), then how is THIS scripture teaching me? rebuking me? correcting me? training me?

Teach: explaining the way things are, what is true about God, me, life, reality, sin, God’s will, the world, etc!
Rebuke: point out where I am falling short, messing up, going against God’s will, sinning!
Correct: challenge and inspire to change, show me what I should do, what steps I should take!
Train: encourage and support me with strength/wisdom to follow through, to make changes, to obey!

I have not heard what the Lord is saying to me in this Psalm if I cannot answer these questions: how is the Lord teaching me? rebuking me? correcting me? training me?

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