Kingdom citizenship for all!

SCRIPTURE: Acts 22:22-29
“Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?” (Acts 22:25)
Paul is a Roman citizen; I am a Canadian citizen.
In this world, citizenship has its perks and pitfalls.
Right now I would not want to be a Greek citizen.
Paul claims the advantages of being a Roman citizen, the right to a fair trial.
I benefit from many Canadian rights, including health care, education, the right to a fair trial.
These worldly rights help maintain order and well-being, though sadly many lack these rights.
Like Paul, and me, some are born into it; many others desperately want it, even pay huge costs to get it.
These rights ought to be tied to being human citizens, not just citizens of certain countries.
We are all citizens of creation, children of God, we should all have the right to a fair trial.
God is in the process of restoring these full rights, which were lost in the rebellion.
This is why, though I thankful for Canadian citizenship, I am more thankful for God citizenship.
“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 3:20)
In God’s kingdom, EVERYONE benefits from human or creation rights.
May God’s kingdom come fully for all, that they may enjoy the rights of creation citizenship!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am thankful for my rights and freedoms here in Canada. But many people do not share them. May Your kingdom come, and may all people experience the rights and freedoms of being Your children – no matter who, no matter where.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Jews and Gentiles didn’t mix.
    Insisting upon one’s own way. Hating the other.
    Yet the Lord is Lord over all. We are His and He is ours and His banner over us i love. We are kids of the Kingdom. We belong to Him. Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight. We belong to His Kingdom and therefor have its privileges and responsibilities – to do what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord. Free to serve – serve one another. Oneanothering. No lording over one another but loving one another.
    This citizenship can not be bought but is a free gift
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let’s live for Him always and serve Him.

    I have a Redeemer Who saves me from sin;
    Now He’s abiding forever within,
    His life for my ransom so freely He gave
    ‘Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.

    Mighty to save! He’s mighty to save,
    Yes! Jesus my Savior is mighty to save!
    Sin’s old allurements no longer I crave;
    Jesus allures me, mighty to save.

    I have a Redeemer to pilot me o’er
    Life’s angry billows to Heaven’s fair shore;
    I know He will keep me, tho wild be the wave
    ‘Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.


    I have a Redeemer, so watchful is He,
    Walking beside me, my terrors all flee;
    He guards me in danger, and bids me be brave
    ‘Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.


    I have a Redeemer, I know He is mine,
    Proving His presence by power divine;
    I surely can trust Him to conquer the grave
    This Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.

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