How sweet the Name!

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 9-11
“Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.'”
The sweet message of Jesus has been given to us to share with others.
But sharing it will turn our stomachs sour, because of how we are treated for it.
Like Ezekiel, Jesus followers eat God’s message but are not well received (Ezekiel 3:1-11).
The “two witnesses” are told to testify, and they are protected at first, but then they die.
These are Old Testament images, reminding us of the prophets and their experience.
But through persecution and death, Jesus’ witnesses are kept secure, even through death.
The “breath of life” will be restored, they will brought back for everlasting life.
There’s a lot of mystery in these symbols and visions, but I try not to get bogged down in them.
Whatever these strange beasts and plagues are, they point to tough times ahead for the world.
Like the plagues against Egypt, they are intended to bring the world to repentance.
Like Pharoah, many will not repent and turn to God (Revelation 9:20-21).
Like Moses, Jesus’ followers must continue to witness for God and Jesus.
The message is not meant to be bitter or sour, but that’s what happens when it is rejected.
The message of Jesus really is sweet, good for the soul, pleasant for life.

“How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrow, heals his wounds, and drives away his fear.
It makes the wounded spirit whole, and calms the troubled breast;
’Tis manna to the hungry soul, and to the weary rest.

But it is none of those things for those who reject it, they miss out on its sweetness.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it is so sad that people do not realize how sweet You and Your message are. Why must people choose misery and death over mercy and life?

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    God is in control.
    The people are not though they think they are for they did not change from their sinful ways.
    Listen to the voice. In days past, the Voice had said, ‘This is the Way. Walk in it.’ People did not listen but His messengers did. His prophets did. His apostles did. Paul did. And I mus do the same. Listen and do otherwise I did not listen.
    I can most certainly identify with the earthquake and the survivors for they gave glory to God after the quake as did the Haitians as I did.
    He reigns.
    Today and always.
    Before time and after time
    for He is timeless.
    He reigns.

    God is in His temple, the almighty Father!
    Round His footstool let us gather;
    Him with adoration, serve the Lord most holy,
    Who hath mercy on the lowly.
    Let us raise hymns of praise for His great salvation;
    God is in His temple!

    Christ comes to His temple; we, His Word receiving,
    Are made happy in believing.
    Lo! from sin delivered, He hath turned our sadness,
    Our deep gloom to light and gladness!
    Let us raise hymns of praise, for our bonds are severed;
    Christ comes to His temple!

    Come and claim Thy temple, gracious Holy Spirit!
    In our hearts Thy home inherit;
    Make in us Thy dwelling, Thy high work fulfilling,
    Into ours Thy will instilling;
    Till we raise hymns of praise, beyond mortal telling,
    In the eternal temple!

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