Great AND Good!

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 147
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” (Psalm 147:3-4)
A God that is both great (determines the stars) and good (heals the brokenhearted).
The gods of other religions are usually either great (strong, mighty) OR good (kind, forgiving, gentle).
But the true God is both GREAT and GOOD, and that is good news.
An all powerful God that is not all-loving does not inspire love, for what will He do?
And an all-loving God that is not all-powerful does not inspire hope, for what can he do?
The true God, the God behind the Universe, is perfect, everything we need Him to be.
The whole creation is in good hands, everything will work out right in the end!
To me, Jesus represents this God, the perfect blend of greatness and goodness.
Who is able to help, but also willing to help.
A king Who is not ashamed to touch the lowly, heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive the guilty.
Yes, He is to be feared, but not a cowering fear, a deep loving fear.
“The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” (Psalm 147:11)
Or as Frederick Faber put it:

O how I fear Thee, living God,
With deep and tender fear;
And worship Thee with trembling hope,
And penitential tears!
Yet, I may love Thee, too, O Lord,
Almighty as Thou art;
For Thou hast stooped to ask of me
The love of my poor heart!

Yes, it is good to sing praises to this God, pleasant and fitting to praise Jesus!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can’t say it any better than this: O how I fear Thee, living God, With deep and tender fear; and worship Thee with trembling hope, and penitential tears! Yet, I may love Thee, too, O Lord, almighty as Thou art; for Thou hast stooped to ask of me the love of my poor heart!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Praise the Lord.
    A command for it is good to sing praises to God as experienced when gathering among His people or working solo listening to songs of praise humming with that song or singing along or even when traveling the highway listening to songs of praise makes me want to join in. Praise the Lord.
    When? All the time.
    Why? He is God Who has done marvelous things. He upholds this creation in His hands.
    Praise the Lord.
    Look for all the things He has done. He is at work in this His creation.
    Praise Him today and always.
    Praise Him.

    We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him
    We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him
    We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ, the Lord
    Worship Him, Christ the Lord

    We place you on the highest place
    For you are the great high priest
    We place you high above all else, all else
    And we come to you and worship at your feet

    We place you (we place you) on the highest place (on the highest place)
    For you (for you) are the great high priest (are the great high priest)
    We place you (we place you) high above all else, all else
    And we come to you and worship at your feet

    Awesome power, boundless grace
    None can fathom all your ways
    Truth and love are found in your heart alone
    Righteousness surrounds your throne
    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord most High
    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord most High

    And we come to you and worship at your feet

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