when Jesus questions my faith

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 17
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” [Matthew 17:20] How do we measure faith? It is not a matter of believing the right doctrines, it is more a matter of confidence, whether or not we understand or even believe it all. I have enough confidence in an airplane, even though I do not understand how it works (I’m still nervous).

Am I confident that Jesus is the fullness of God in a body? Do I trust that, as God, everything He says and does is reliable, whether I understand it all or not? Am I willing to build my life on that premise?

Peter, James and John were given the special privilege of seeing the Son of Man revealed in His kingdom glory [Matthew 16:28]. Though they still didn’t quite get what was going on, it was a powerful, memorable experience (see 2 Peter 1:16-19]. But this experience was bonus, the other miraculous signs should have been enough (healing, casting out demons, raising the dead, feeding multitudes with limited resources, walking on water). Why didn’t they get it yet?

Jesus speaks sharply, maybe out of frustration, but also because He knew they needed to hear this: ‘you faithless and corrupt people, how long must I be with you, how long must I put up with you?’ We should not be quick to say this to others but, in our time alone with God and Jesus, we should be prepared for Him to say this to us.

I do believe the Lord is saying this to me, often. He calls my bluff, He challenges my weak faith. If I really was confident in Jesus, there would be a lot more dramatic evidence. I am not questioning God’s love for me, or my salvation. Just the quality of my faith. This is not guilt thing, it’s a loving, firm call to grow, to stretch, to step out of the boat, to stop making excuses.

Not sure how the temple-tax and coin in fish’s mouth story fits in. Jesus seems to be saying that although He shouldn’t pay taxes as the Messiah, He does it to not cause unnecessary offense. He doesn’t mind giving offense for things that matter (like healing on Sabbath), but not on petty things.

Lord, You are King. You are awesome, amazing, all-powerful, always fair and loving. I have every reason to live and serve confidently.

One Comment

  1. The Lord God is my strength words keep coming to my mind as I read this passage. I need to keep reminding myself that I can do all things in His power. Yet I too, am like the disciples, still in training. They did go out two by two and did many miraculous miracles and yet at this time were unable to heal. They were in the school of Christ, but were slow learners.

    I too am a slow learner. God tells me that He does supply all my needs but I need to ‘get out of the boat and walk on water.’ I need to walk by faith and not by sight. He has given His Word, His presence to live for Him. Help me this day to do what You have asked me to do – to serve where You have planted me trusting that You will will supply all my needs. Lead me Guide me in that assurance also this day for I need You every hour along the Way. I need to trust and obey.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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