Your kingdom come

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 13
The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. [Matthew 13:19] The center of Jesus’ message and ministry is the Kingdom of God (Matthew uses ‘heaven’ to represent God, not to offend his Jewish audience who avoided using God’s name in vain). We need to understand the message about the kingdom if we are going to respond appropriately to Jesus.

The kingdom of God is the “very good” creation as God intended it to be. It is the harmony between a perfect God, a perfect humanity and a perfect creation. Now obviously we do not have a perfect humanity or a perfect creation – so how can there be a kingdom of God.

God remains as perfect King; we are the problem, and creation groans because of us. Jesus is the coming King who removes all barriers between us and God, and invites us back into His perfect Kingdom. He reminds us that a better world is possible, a world where humanity submits to the King and His kingdom ways, and enjoys the blessing that results.

Those who understand the message of the kingdom of God eagerly receive it. They understand that this is the answer to all their desires. But because the kingdom involves a way of life that seems weak, people easily misunderstand and reject it. Shallow hearts may hold it for a bit, but soon it withers without roots. Distracted hearts take the seed, but soon let go for other things. But hearts that understand and receive it are slowly transformed, producing a harvest of kingdom results (the fruit of the Spirit, transformed character which transforms the world).

Practically speaking, do I want this kind of world, enough to start living like it? Am I prepared to start living with love, joy, peace, humility, etc., in submission to the King? It is by living this life, with God’s help, that the kingdom comes (Your kingdom come, Your will be done).

The proof of faith is not church attendance or creedal assent, but it is living the kingdom ethic, with the character qualities of the King. Looking at my own response to Jesus’ message, which soil am I like?

Lord, may Your kingdom come, may Your will be done – in me!


  1. LORD, may I always have eyes to see and ears to hear You, Your teachings, Your Truth, Your voice, Your mighty works!

    LORD, I pray that I always allow You to prepare the soil of my heart for each new day so that thre will be an abundance of fruit throughout the seasons of my life.

    Help me to surrender completely to Your hand as You tend to the ‘crops’ of my life so that You may deal with the weeds and the elements that put potential harvest at risk. LORD, may You increase my yield.

    LORD, thank You that You take even the little things of my life so that in and trhough You they can impact Your Kingdom in big ways.

    LORD, I pray that I may be found ready!

    LORD, may I never take for granted the value of Your precious gift to us, the real treasure of this life.

    LORD, protect me from spiritual blindness! I want to see You! Tune my ears to Your voice so that I will always hear You. Empower my faith LORD that I may live as You desire me to live.

    I give thanks for all that You have done and are doing and are about to do in my life. May Your Kingdom come! May Your will be done! To You be the glory!

  2. As part of the Lord’s prayer, we pray Your kingdom come, Your will be done. The focus of the reading today is on that Kingdom. Yet only those who have eyes that see and ears which hear will understand the meaning of these parables and His kingdom. And the best meaning of the parable is when Jesus tells us what the parable is all about.

    I need to have ears that hear His Word and understand. When I truly hear, I will also do. To know Christ is to do Christ in my daily living. His will needs to be done in my life. I am a steward working in His garden/kingdom producing fruit. Yet in my service there will be opposition. I must remain faithful for one day there will be an accounting. I must run the race as to win the prize. He is my All in all. May others see that Christ is living in me. May others see that I am a Kingdom worker.

    All to Jesus, I surrender,
    All to Him I freely give
    I will ever love & serve Him
    In His presence, daily live.

    I surrender all, I surrender all,
    All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all

    All to Jesus, I surrender
    Humbly at his feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken
    Take me Jesus, take me now

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