SCRIPTURE: Acts 13:13-23
“From this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as he promised.” (Acts 13:23)
Although I am not a Jew, I am closely connected to their story.
To become human, God had to choose a specific race and culture.
He worked through the everyday stories of Abraham and David to raise up Jesus.
Jesus is God with us, in our story, rewriting the ending of the story!
Jesus is still fulfilling God’s promise, He is still working through our stories.
The bible is God’s story, but it is your story, it is my story too!
Through our everyday lives, we either help or hinder His plan to love, forgive and bless.
We can be people after God’s own heart, who join with Jesus in fulfilling God’s dream.
The story continues to play out everyday in my life… what kind of chapter am I writing?
If my life story was written down, would it fit well with God’s story, with Jesus’ story?
If a hundred years from now my story was told, would I come across as a man after God’s own heart?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes I get lost in the details, and forget that everyday I am writing a page in Your story and mine. May my story promote Your story, and help others experience Your happy ending!
‘a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’ What a testimony!
God was and is with His people in their cycle of life – their ups and downs. He is the constant – always there – keeping His promise – disciplining His so that all may come to pass. And when His people come together, encouragement is given to help each other on the Way.
I can read His Word and see how others lived for Jesus but I must do the same staying true to the promises. I can read about Paul and others but how do others read me? I too a a living letter read by all who read me. Do I proclaim that God is my God and that I serve Him. Am I an encouragement to others? Am I a promise keeper? Do I use His gifts to me in His service?
Being ‘retired’ I have considered writing a memory book – so that the children may remember what their father/mother and grandfather/grandmother did with their lives in kingdom service. What will comes through mystory? HisStory? That is my goal. I/We always need to be in His Service, doing His will in our lives.
forth Your light and Your truth,
let them guide me;
let them bring me to Your holy mountain,
to the place where You dwell.
Then I will go to the altar of God, to God,
my joy and my delight.
I will praise You (I will praise You)
Mighty Savior. (Mighty Savior)
You’re my Stronghold, (Stronghold)
my Refuge, (Refuge)
Hope and Rock (Hope and Rock)
Send forth Your light and Your truth,
let them guide me;
let them bring me to Your holy ground.