The real thing?

SCRIPTURE: Colossians 1-2
“These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” (Colossians 2:17)
Jesus has set us free from religion, the shadows that make us appear spiritual.
Spiritual practices cannot save us from sin, death or hell… only Jesus can.
Jesus is the fullness of God given to us that we might experience life to the full.
Compare a marriage where there is true love, and one where the partners go through the motions.
They might look similar, but one is a full and fulfilling experience of love and blessing.
Our relationship with God has been fully restored through Jesus.
We do not have to earn His love, He already loves us; we love because He first loves us.
Our response is not ‘following rules’ (do this, don’t do that) but the overflow of love.
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:6-7)
Compare a religion of duty to God, and a life of love for God… which one overflows?
Am I going through the motions, or overflowing with love?
Am I experiencing the reality in Christ, or just hanging on to religious shadows?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for reminding me again how the greatest joy is found in knowing and loving You. I ask You for a deeper experience of Your fullness in me!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Faith and love going together. Love – the expression of my faith. ‘And they will know we are Christian by our love.’ Set apart for service. His service. Bearing fruit – the fruit of the Spirit and others may see that this is the Way of a Christ follower. And as others are praying for me I must also pray for others. Talking with the Father strengthens, encourages, and directs my footsteps in the Way I need to walk daily as I put my hand in His to lead me and guide me.
    Set apart for service. Sharing the good news is also my task at the Seafarers. God working through me so that I may be an encourager to those who enter through its doorways. I need to always be ‘plugged in’ to Jesus Who gives me the strength and the vision to do good to all. GodPower. SpiritLead. ArmStrong. Standing up for Christ. Always connected to Him for it is only in Him I am and am able to live for Him in all things. Set apart to serve.

    This reminds me of a childhood song 🙂
    Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
    Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.
    Love Him, love Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
    Love Him, love Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.
    Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
    Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.

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