what God wants (not religion)

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 12
But you would not have condemned my innocent disciples if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ [Matthew 12:7] How many innocent people have been condemned by the religious establishment because they did not fit their ‘criteria’? How many religious people have totally missed the point of what it means to serve God? How many have failed to see the obvious, that God prefers mercy more than anything else – and especially more than religious rituals?

Jesus reveals the priorities of God. He is not into mindless observance of religious rituals, nor should religious observance get in the way of serving people in need (‘can’t help you with your flat tire, I have to get to church’). He warns those who accuse Him of working by the power of Satan. And those who want more proof than they already have been given won’t get it. According to Jesus, the priority of God is those who do God’s will, namely love God and love people. According to Jesus, these are God’s true family.

The challenge here is to our own religious and spiritual priorities. Are we doing the religious thing for the spiritual and eternal perks, or are we genuinely loving God and loving people? Is the heartbeat of our spirituality and passion for God and a compassion for people?

The reason the religious leaders could not see God in Jesus was because they were so full of themselves and their religious performance. They could not see what was so obvious to others – that Jesus was totally God and people-centered, and that the miracles He did were God-glorifying and neighbour-serving. Demanding more signs was pointless since they refused to accept the ones they already saw.

Even Jesus’ family failed to see Jesus as more than just their son or sibling. The miracles, the teaching, His whole way of life, should have been enough to show them. But they didn’t see it either.

God wants my heart, humbled and eager to serve Him. warmed and ready to serve people. He isn’t looking for Sunday christians (pew-sitters, pledge-payers, committee-members, etc.), He is looking for mercy-givers. Jesus invites us to join Him in flooding God’s world with mercy.

Lord, silence the religious impulse in me, and awaken my heart for You and for people.


  1. LORD as I read this chapter I become angry at how close this is to what church has become today – rules of do’s and don’ts; twisting of scripture to ‘suit’ styles , personal preferences and agendas. Where is the heart attitude of loving God with all our heart, soul and mind and loving others?

    Where is the compassion, mercy and grace as we love one another? We are not to judge, not to critisize, not to grumble nor complain, not to think of ourselves better than others.

    God how hurt and angry You must be when we walk out of service and You hear people giving voice to their complaints around worshipping You, hearing Your word, Your message, styles, expressions. Forgive us LORD for the sin in ur hearts!

    I long to be an instrument of worship, a voice of love for You, Help me LORD to do what You desire me to do and that is to worship You with all my heart, soul and mind, loving others with the power of Your love.

    LORD, change our hearts! Bring us back to the heart of worship and to all that really matters – to do our best to live for You when it’s all been said and done.

  2. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. It is what is on the inside that counts. All too often we are concerned with the rituals, customs, habits, the externals rather than the heart for that is where the King resides. Healing on the Sabbath praised God but it was against the practice of the day. Even the casting out of demons was seen in the wrong light by the pharisees.

    How do I see Jesus?

    Even His family members did not see ‘the Christ’ in their brother/son.

    Today God is first. This is the Lord’s day, but then every day is the Lord’s day. May my heart not be calloused so that I do see and hear You Lord each day to do Your will. May the overflow of my heart speak the word that I need to speak and my my hands do what needs to be done to show that Jesus Christ is my All in all.

    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    From the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart.
    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    For the King is in residence there.

    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    Let the whole world know, let the whole world know.
    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    That the King is in residence there.

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