‘He wants to be like Jesus!’

SCRIPTURE: Acts 11:19-30
“The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)
At that time, the name ‘Christian’ was new, it was a compliment.
After centuries of confusion and misunderstanding, the name has lost it’s punch.
They were content to be known as disciples (‘student’, ‘apprentice’, ‘follower’) of Jesus.
The concern today is that we have lost the meaning of both words, disciple and Christian.
As a Jesus follower, I want to get back to the original meaning of disciple.
Too many people associate ‘Christian’ with the religion, not with Jesus.
And for many, it is more of a cultural designation than a faith commitment.
Going to church, reading the bible, being moral, being baptized or confirmed…
These do not make you a follower of Jesus; actually following Jesus does.
An apprentice watches and learns, imitates and strives to be like their master.
I want to figure out how to do this in my day to day, ordinary life.
To be called a Christian is irrelevant… I want people to say ‘he wants to be like Jesus!’
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for those who through the centuries have modeled true discipleship. May I add my name to the list of those who genuinely want to be like You!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    It is the Lord God Who gives the increase. We may plant the seed and even water but He gives the growth among the people. All this is a possibility through His grace.

    The disciples were doers of the Word. Word and Deed go together but it must be Spirit driven. And they lived in ‘community’ providing help for the brothers in need.

    What defines Christians? What defines me? And they will know we are Christians by our love – love in action. Christ Jesus shining through us by what we speak and what we do. Christian by name. A disciple by Word and Deed for a disciple is one who follows his Master.

    I want to be like Jesus
    I want to be like Jesus
    I want to be like Jesus
    I want to be like Jesus

    Lord I want serving hands
    To heal the sick and raise the dead
    Hands that set people free
    To love You for eternity

    Grant me a heart that’s pure and true
    Kind and loving in all I do
    Full of mercy for all who come
    Running into the Father’s arms

    I want eyes that see You
    Ears that hear from You
    Feet that follow after You
    I want to be just like You
    I want to be just like You

    I want to be just like Jesus
    I want to be just like Jesus

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