Greater things!!!

SCRIPTURE: Acts 9:10-19
“Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name…” (Acts 9:15)
I’ve had no visions, but I have sensed the Lord telling me to do stuff.
Hard stuff, scary stuff, out of my comfort zone stuff.
I see the dangers and difficulties, but God sees the greater purpose.
Who knows, but through that difficult conversation God may be bringing salvation.
Or raising up a kingdom leader, or preparing for a great movement.
As a Jesus follower, I can trust the guidance that Jesus gives.
When I am prompted to love someone, to forgive, to help, to show mercy… it is the Lord.
Knowing what we know now about this Saul, what a missed opportunity if Ananias had not gone.
How many missed opportunities have there been because we have not gone?
Pay attention today to how the Lord prompts you, He may be setting you up for something BIG.
Who knows, an amazing God movement may be about to happen, and you may have a hand in it!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my perspective is too small. Help me to see that You are willing to do ‘greater things’ through me, when I obey Your will, and follow Your lead!

One Comment

  1. You know for the longest time I thought, “oh my gosh what am I doing wrong?” – because I too have never had a vision before. Meanwhile supposedly my friends would have them and I actually became envious and felt like perhaps I was missing out on a huge thing. I remember someone telling me to pray for visions and if I was open enough I’d receive them. Well that never happened. Although I do feel God in other ways such as warnings and a tingling when He is trying to communicate something to me.

    But I also have allowed many opportunities to pass me by because of my sinful, selfish nature. This is encouraging! Thanks 🙂

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