Hearing Jesus’ voice!

SCRIPTURE: Acts 9:1-9
“They heard the sound but did not see anyone.” (Acts 9:7)
The Lord works differently in each person’s life.
Christians are people who have heard the Lord calling them.
Those around them may sense something, but not know Who it is.
Two people can go through the same crisis, yet only one will encounter the Lord in it.
The reason for the difference is because each one of us is a unique child of God.
God does not force us, but customizes His approach to each one of us.
Like a good teacher who knows each student, how each one learns differently.
You can be sure that the Lord is reaching out to you in your life in some way.
I have never heard a voice, but I have sensed the Lord deep in my heart.
In my life circumstances, in my experiences, in moments of conviction and insight.
You may not see or hear what I do, but to me it is real – and life changing.
My prayer is that you will hear Jesus’ voice today, and be changed too!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know You are speaking to the people I know… but could You speak louder and clearer today, that they may know it is You, and believe!

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