amazing grace!

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9
When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” [Matthew 9:12-13] When I consider the stories in this chapter, I am struck by two words: amazing and grace! Amazing Grace!

Jesus offers more than healing (itself a grace-gift), but forgiveness, a much more deep-rooted need. Matthew is living proof of grace, as well as Jesus’ presence at the dinner party with the other ‘scum’. When asked about fasting, Jesus shows that He brings something new, something to celebrate, not a heavy religious practice. The woman who touches Jesus – how presumptuous. But Jesus encourages her. The blind, the mute, the demon-possessed, Jesus came to offer grace.

The miracles – healing the sick, the blind, the mute, raising the dead, setting the demon-possessed free. Amazing grace!

No wonder the ordinary people loved Him. He cared for them, He paid attention to them, He ate with them, He made them feel welcome.

No wonder the religious leaders hated Him. He defied all of their religious arrogance. He denied the [false] version of God they promoted. He bypassed all their rules and rituals. He was not impressed by their supposed goodness. In fact, He bluntly stated He had no interest in hanging out with those who think they are righteous.

Jesus makes it plain what true religion (spirituality, obeying God) is all about. Trusting God and being like Him – gracious, merciful, concerned for the weak, the poor. Jesus’ prayer at the end of this passage shows how concerned He is for the people of Israel [being looked down on, ignored by their religious leaders]. He had compassion on them. He is committed to raising up more leaders, care-givers, workers.

Am I more impressed by His amazing grace, or my ‘amazing’ religiosity? Am I committed to being a little religious, or a lot like Jesus?

Lord, Your grace for me, and for all, is amazing. Help me share your amazing grace with others.


  1. I have always wondered about the phrase when Jesus tells people he has healed to not go and tell anyone.

    Why would he say that?

    I am presently reading about the Calvinist point of view of God’s elect.

    I am amazed at the authority in the Synogogue official’s statement telling Jesus what to do: “come and lay your hand on her, and she will live” Where did the official get that faith? Did God lead him to Jesus to make that statement?

    One thought that struck me differently this time reading this passage was the thought that Jesus was expectantly waiting for people to come to him in whom God was calling. Jesus knew that God would send people to him. He was expecting them.

    So when Jesus tells the blind men not to tell anyone what happened to them, could it be so that the crowds caught up in their emotion would not come to him but rather only those God was leading to Jesus?

    … just thoughts … still pondering them myself

  2. Jesus offers healing, total healing, body and soul. To the paralytic, his sins were forgiven and he was able to walk. Great also was the faith of his friends who brought him. And all the people praised Him, except for the religious leaders who desired to have the attention on themselves and have the following Jesus did.

    Matthew was called, left his ways and followed Him, never to return to his former ways. Jesus ate at Matthew’s house and fellowshipped with Matthew’s friends – a despised group. Once again the leaders of the day would not associate themselves in such an ungodly way for they were better than they.

    Jesus went among the people preaching, teaching and healing. He showed the people the way. He became like them and worked among them, rather like the pharisees who were above them and were religious for their own personal prestigious reasons. Servant leadership was the example Christ set before His people. Foot washing leadership.

    As the people were amazed by the Christ, so I too, need to be amazed for all what He has done for me. I am also amazed to see what He is doing in the world today. And the call still goes out, Lord send forth workers into the field so that they may see Your might and power and saving grace. Real hope. Real life.

    Jesus, with Thy Church abide,
    Be her Savior, Lord, and Guide,
    While on earth her faith is tried:
    We beseech Thee, hear us.
    May her voice be ever clear,
    Warning of a judgment near,
    Telling of a Savior dear:
    We beseech Thee, hear us.

    Keep her life and doctrine pure,
    Help her, patient, to endure,
    Trusting in Thy promise sure:
    We beseech Thee, hear us.

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