Speaking from God

SCRIPTURE: Acts 6:8-15
“They could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.” (Acts 6:10)
Jesus promised that the Spirit would help the disciples speak. (Matthew 10:19-20)
I’ve had times when I could sense the Spirit of Jesus speaking through me.
But I have also had times when I felt my words were dropping like lead.
At those times I need to trust in God’s grace and power.
When our confidence is in ourselves, we resort to tricks or techniques to win over our audience.
But when we stop trying to perform, and allow God to perform through us, watch out.
Even when it feels like our words are failing, or our message is not understood.
We are not responsible for making people believe, only that they might hear it.
I need to remember this, as a speaker I find I try to gauge my audience’s response.
This becomes a bottomless pit of self-critique and people-pleasing.
I need to keep my focus, and confidence, upward… then my glow will come from above.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may I open myself to being full of Your grace and power, not my own skill or technique. May my speaking be a demonstration of the Spirit’s wisdom and power.

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