its opposite day

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5
You have heard… But I say… (Matthew 5:21-22). Is Jesus having an “opposite day”? Is He being contrary, to make a point? If we look closely at what Jesus says, we ought to be shocked. If not, then it’s probably become too familiar, and we’re missing the point.

Jesus’ teachings going against the grain of life as we know it. Blessed are the poor, those who mourn, the persecuted? Be more righteous than the Pharisees (whose name means ‘the pure ones’)? Anger puts us in danger of hell, lustful thoughts are as bad as rape, no divorce, no vows, being generous to our antagonists, loving our enemies, being perfect like God is perfect? Is Jesus for real?

Question. Does Jesus’ teaching here somehow seem right, even if it seems impossible? Does it have a ring of truth, even if it seems unrealistic? That is what I sense. As radical as this sounds, I feel that He is right. It makes sense to me. I would want to live in a world where people acted like this.

Jesus sounds “opposite” because He is speaking about God’s kingdom (i.e. the world as God created it to be), and not about our kingdom (the world as we have twisted it to be). His upside-down perspective is actually right-side up; we’re upside down. And this is what we need to come to realize. As long as we think that our ways are right, that we’re OK, we are doomed. Our lifestyles and perspectives are destructive, harmful, deadening.

Is a person better off rich? Is a person better off having an easy life? Is a person better off harbouring revenge, being bitter, angry, lustful, tricky with words, treating enemies harshly, even hating them? Think about it. These things can actually poison us to real life, real joy, real success.

We need to take the time to evaluate our perspectives, and to reconsider the Jesus perspective. We need to repent (turn our minds around), and accept that His way IS the best way, even if it seems impossible or hard. We need to run to Him for forgiveness and help, for His Spirit’s energy to start living in this direction.

Lord, the only way Your message can be good news is if my own life-perspective is bad news to me. Help me get Your right-side up perspective, and help me start living towards it.

One Comment

  1. ROMANS 8:26-27 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, becuase the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” LORD, search me, enter the very depths of my heart and expose all that is not in accordance with Your will. I give You my heart that You may purify it. Thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit that can do what I cannot do – transform me.

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