What killed Ananias and Sapphira?

SCRIPTURE: Acts 5:1-11
“Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.” (Acts 5:11)
This story is scary, I would experience great fear too.
The assumption is that God kills this couple, but the passage doesn’t say that.
In the context, Satan has filled their hearts; could it be that Satan kills them?
Compare how demons (with permission) kill the pigs to scare people away from Jesus! (Luke 8:26-39)
This story shows how Satan uses fear to stop the amazing advance of the kingdom message.
Jesus has resisted the Deceiver, and defeated him, but the deceiver can still lie.
I believe this is another instance of the deceiver leading people to their own deaths.
Listening to Satan’s lies will always result in some kind of dying – and unchecked, to eternal death.
It was their own sin that trapped, chained and ruined them – not God, not Satan, but sin!
Where is the deceiver tricking or scaring you away from life in God, towards death?
Don’t let this story drive you from Jesus, it shows you how much we need His help and protection!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Satan is defeated, and we can resist him, if we want to. But he is still a good liar, and his words are very convincing. Use this story to scare me towards You, not away from You!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Head – heart – hands must be aligned as one.
    Why did the team lie? They could have openly given a part of the sale. Their heart was in the wrong place. Maybe they desired the praise of men for their actions to be raised in prominence while secretly lining their own coffers. Remember Achan?
    What do I live for – today’s gain or tomorrow’s future? God can not be fooled by our actions. God can not be mocked. We/I can not get away with it. All must be for Jesus – today and all my tomorrows.
    Once again the enemy comes from within the ranks. Ouch.
    All I have is from You Lord. Let me use it for Your purposes in the Kingdom work.

    Tell me not of earthly pleasures,
    Tempt me not with sordid gain;
    Mock me not with earth’s illusions,
    Vex me not with honors vain.
    I am weaned from sinful idols;
    I am henceforth not my own;
    I have giv’n my heart to Jesus,
    I belong to Him alone.
    I am not my own,
    I am not my own.
    I belong to Jesus,
    And I am not my own.

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