SCRIPTURE: Psalm 137
“Happy is the person who pays you back according to what you have done to us.” (Psalm 137:8)
Can you imagine watching someone take your baby and smash them against the rocks?
I get sick just thinking about this; I get the anger and anguish of those who endure this.
This psalms ends with a disturbing cry for justice – may these things happen to you!!!!
People struggle with the violence in the bible, but this reflects the real world.
A bible of sunshine, rainbows and fluffy white clouds would not reflect reality.
God is not to blame for what we have made of this world.
But through Jesus, He is our hope for breaking the cycle of violence and revenge justice.
Instead of “an eye for an eye”, He offers Himself through Jesus to die the victim’s death.
God cares for the victim, and stands up against injustice and violence and brutality.
But thankfully He doesn’t join in on it, but overcomes it with love and mercy.
May we not forget the victims, but may we not join in the cycle of hate and revenge.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye must be put out for an eye. A tooth must be knocked out for a tooth.’ But here is what I tell you. Do not fight against an evil person.” (Matthew 5:38-39)
“But here is what I tell you. Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you. Then you will be children of your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:44-45)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when I think of this kind of brutality, I feel sick. You see it first hand every day. Thank You for breaking the cycle of hate and revenge. Help me to love like You love, to live like You live!