Spirit-led, Spirit-powered

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil (Matthew 4:1). The Spirit leads Jesus into a wilderness experience to be tempted by the devil? How can this be? Didn’t God say that Jesus was His dearly loved Son, how then could He lead Him into this awful place? Satan asks this question himself, ‘hah, if you are the Son of God…’

When we turn our lives over to God, things happen. We are called to live for a new purpose (fishers of men), we experience healing and forgiveness and freedom, and we go through wilderness experiences. Whatever happens, the thing that holds them all together is that we are not alone, and God’s purpose is working itself out.

Jesus is the very center of this good news. He is both the cause of our hope (His coming, death and resurrection accomplish our forgiveness and freedom), and the example of our hope. He demonstrates what life with God, life filled with the Spirit, life surrendered to God’s purpose, is like. In other words, we too will be tempted (and must stand firm), we too will be called (to fish for people), we too will experience God’s life-changing, healing power.

We need Jesus to save us, to reconnect us to God and His dynamic, life-changing Spirit. We also need Jesus to show us the way, the way of the cross. As Jesus was led by the Spirit, we too will be led by the Spirit. As Jesus was strengthened by the Spirit, we too will be strengthened by the Spirit. As Jesus was used by the Spirit, we too will be used by the Spirit.

Surrender to Jesus, and watch out, things will begin to happen.

Lord, show me HOW to surrender to You. Fill me, lead me, use me, help me. I want to join You in fishing for people!


  1. No one, not even Jesus could avoid ‘temptation’ – LORD thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit that is alive in us / available to us when we face temptation each and every day. Thank You LORD for You Holy Word that we can use against satan when he comes at us, just as Jesus taught us to do.

    vs. 8-9 Just as these scriptures reveal then so it is today that satan uses worldly things to tempt and distract us from walking with You. LORD, thank You for the reminder that this world offers me NOTHING compared to all that I can have with You! I choose to worship You LORD to be Your servant. Equip me for this priviledge and honour LORD so that You may be glorified!

    Vs. 19 Jesus calls out “Come, follow me and I will show you how to fish for people.” and they did not hesitate, their response was immediate. LORD, forgive me for the many times when I have heard You calling me and yet have hesitated, asked question after question, made excuses, even argued with You! Forgive me. LORD, as each new day dawns and You greet me with those very same words “Come, follow me and I will show you how to fish for people”, grant me all that I need to just rise up and follow You – no hesitation just obedience! Make me a Jesus Follower in this world today! – teaching, preaching and healing by Your hand is the call on our lives today. Help us to live out our lives as Your disciples today! Here I am LORD!

  2. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit. Even so, He was tempted. No matter where we are as God’s children, no matter how Spirit driven we may be, all of God’s people are tempted. None are immune. If we rely upon our own strength, we will loose. Yet, in Christ alone we are more than conquerors. We too need to be Spirit driven and use the power of the Word to stand up for Jesus in every square centimetre of life.

    The disciples were called to follow Him. In my daily living, am I following God’s call to follow Him? In my work of this day, am I doing His will. Speak to me Lord so that I may speak – Your Words to those around me and they may see You through me. Help me to be a Jesus follower this day – a disciple – a living epistle – read by all who see me. Lead me by Your Spirit.

    I, the Lord of sea and sky,
    I have heard My people cry.
    All who dwell in dark and sin,
    My hand will save.

    I who made the stars of night,
    I will make their darkness bright.
    Who will bear My light to them?
    Whom shall I send?

    Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord?
    I have heard You calling in the night.
    I will go Lord, if You lead me.
    I will hold Your people in my heart.

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