finding Jesus through stars?

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 2
About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.’ (Matthew 2:1-2) I love this part of Jesus’ story. How on earth did these pagan astrologers learn about Jesus? Did the stars really direct them to Jesus? Can people find Jesus by observing non-Christian religious practices (reading horoscopes, pilgrimage to Mecca, participating in séances, interpreting dreams)?

Often the focus of Christians has been on the negative side of non-Christian religious practices. And there are negative sides to them. The real danger for Christians is in dabbling in the demonic, in compromising their confidence in Jesus by looking elsewhere for hope or help.

But we should not rule out God’s presence and power, even among non-Christians. The whole world belongs to God. Jesus’ fingerprints are on everything, including the wayward human soul. The stars themselves testify to the greatness and goodness of God (Psalm 19:1-4). Jesus uses the stars (and everything else) to get peoples’ attention and draw them to Himself.

Herod represents all that the devil does to hold back God’s plan. Herod was the Rome-appointed ‘king of the Jews’, though his rule was never accepted by the Jews. His deception here, and his killing of the boys under 2 shows both his own insecurity, and the devil’s tactics to eliminate the messiah (we’re reminded of Pharoah killing the male children in Egypt, and King Xerxes of Persia decreeing the extermination of the Jews). But when Satan attempts to douse the light, God shines somewhere else.

The light has come into the darkness, but the darkness cannot extinguish it (John 1:4-5). Even if the church fails to spread the message of Jesus, God will raise up wise men outside of the church to show the way to Him.

Lord, thank You for accomplishing Your purpose, with or without us. Thank You that nothing can stop You from restoring light to this dark world.


  1. LORD, help us to be like the Wise Men – seeking You and stopping at nothing to find You; looking for You in this world around us! Your word promises us that if we seek You we will find You! (Deut. 4:29; 2 CHRON 15:2)

    LORD, may we come to You to worship You with the gifts that we have to offer – time, talents, financially – OUR SELVES!

    LORD, just the like star that You sent to lead the Wise Men, there are so many signs today to ‘point’ / ‘lead’ people to Christ. May we as believers, acknowledge these signs so that others may come to know You too!

    Thank You LORD that I may come to You at any time and worship You! Thank You LORD that You accept my feeble attempts to worship You – You are worthy of so much more! I worship You!


    I will worship You; I will lift my hands unto Your Holiness.
    You alone are worthy of much more, but all I have to offer is myself.
    I will lift my voice, I’ll exalt Your Name. I worship You!

    I will sing Your song; I will dance Your dance for all the world to see.
    You alone are worthy of much more, but all I have to offer is myself.
    I will sing Your song, I will dance Your dance. I worship You!

    I’ll get on my knees, I will bow before You Lord in quietness.
    You alone are worthy of much more, but all I have to offer is myself.
    I’ll get on my knees, I will be still. I worship You!

    Words and music by Karen L. Bruinsma
    Copyright 2005 Karen L. Bruinsma/SOCAN

  2. In the OT, commentaries have talked about the “angel of the Lord” being a manifestation of Jesus.

    Do you think this could be possible in these verses that Jesus could be both in Mary’s womb or as a child born, and still appear to Joseph in dreams?

  3. In the stars His handiwork I see. He speaks to me everywhere. Where will I see Him today. The wise men were truly wise for they did see His greatness and followed the star. God speaks to all peoples also through His created works as He did with the Magi. They listened to God’s voice in His creation and also His voice in a dream. They worshipped Him.

    Herod also received the Word about the Christ child through the chief priests and teachers of the law. However, he saw all as a threat to his own power and killed the infants so that he would stay in power. A small child a threat to him? Herod had a hardened heart listening to his own voice rather than God’s. He too had opportunity to accept the Word yet insisted his own way.

    As we read, God’s Word came to pass as was told by the old testament prophets. He who has an ear, hear what the Lord our God is saying. To hear also means to do. God Word will come to pass. May I also be a wise man Lord, not only seeing You this day but also living for You in all I do and say. Help me this day to live for Jesus, my Saviour and my Lord and King.

    O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
    Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
    I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
    Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

    Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
    How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
    Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
    How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

    When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
    And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
    When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
    And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.

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