Let it begin in me

SCRIPTURE: Acts 2:42-47
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.” (Acts 2:46)
These people did not start a church, this was a community on fire!
They were bonded together by faith, hope and love, and it was contagious.
How many churches today reflect this kind of connection?
Assuming that your church does not reflect this picture, why not?
Is it something in the leadership, in the denominational doctrines or traditions?
Is it something in their understanding of the gospel, or in their commitment to Jesus?
Is the Spirit missing, is the faith genuine, is the church really a church?
How about you, do you feel the ‘energy’ of Acts 2:42-47 in you?
It is easier to point the finger at ‘the church’, but how about you?
To pray for a revival, maybe I need to start with me.
Maybe I need a fresh outpouring of the Spirit on me, to make me eager and devoted.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, let there be Acts 2:42-47 on earth, and let it begin in me!


  1. Observation/Application
    Filled with awe.
    ‘Cottage groups.’
    Praise the Lord.
    True fellowship. True communion. True oneness. All for Jesus.
    Infectious faith at work.

    It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
    And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
    That’s how it is with God’s Love,
    Once you’ve experienced it,
    Your spread the love to everyone
    You want to pass it on.

    What a wonderous time is spring,
    When all the tress are budding
    The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
    That’s how it is with God’s love,
    Once you’ve experienced it.
    You want to sing, it’s fresh like spring,
    You want to pass it on.

    I wish for you my friend
    This happiness that I’ve found;
    You can depend on God
    It matters not where you’re bound,
    I’ll shout it from the mountain top – PRAISE GOD!
    I want the world to know
    The Lord of love has come to me
    I want to pass it on.

    I’ll shout it from the mountain top – PRAISE GOD!
    I want the world to know
    The Lord of love has come to me
    I want to pass it on.

  2. Good point. I should be singing instead of build your kingdom here, put your church on fire this song, Lord reign in me. My old church still continues to kick people out who have mental illnesses or been a victim of rape and injustice. They still teach that if you are dirty, unclean, full of sin that Jesus wants nothing to do with you, when really that’s far from the truth. It’s so easy for me to point my finger and say “how can you guys be so cruel?” Though, that is what they know and believe from what their own Pastor tells them. I remember once the Pastor there had said “if you a victim of this and that, get up and leave as you don’t belong in a church.” Guess what? I was the only one who got up to leave and everyone was staring at me.

    Perhaps it was in the way of how they understood Jesus. Even if it appeared not right, who am I to say they are wrong? It has to start with me though. I need to remember truth and to break bread with all of God’s people.

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