Set free!

SCRIPTURE: Romans 7-8
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? (Romans 7:24)
Paul shows the struggle of life on our own, in our own strength, in the ‘sinful nature’.
Eventually we all come up against the futility and despair of sin and death.
We were made to live with/by the Spirit (breathe) of God (Genesis 2:7).
By faith in Jesus, the old Adam dies (Genesis 2:17), as predicted.
But a new me arises, forgiven for my failures, strengthened by the Spirit, restored as God’s child.
Connected to Jesus, equipped by the Spirit of God again, I can live like a new Adam.
And because Jesus will not fail, we will not fail (as long as we cling to Him).
(Nothing) will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)
With God’s help, we can now live ‘like God’ again, with the fruit of the Spirit in us.
The Spirit helps us in our weakness, as we set our minds on what the Spirit desires.
Consider these two ways of living; which one seems more liberating to you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ve struggled with futility and despair in my own strength. Thank You for releasing me from this struggle, and reminding me daily of forgiveness and freedom in You!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Free to serve.
    In Christ Jesus I am made capable to serve Him since He is my Lord and Master to work in His creation. I need to walk in His SonShine always for He has made me a possibility for His working in His creation.
    I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is Love. He leads me and guides me daily by His Spirit making me an instrument of His peace. His Spirit makes me a possibility, a reality. I am His child and God is my Father. Therefore I am able to do the work set before me. I am more than a conqueror because He is alive and His Spirit is working within me to be as He wanted me to be. At all times He is with me and empowers me to do His will. I am not my own but belong to Jesus.

    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
    I am tired and I need Thy strength and power
    To guide me over my darkest hour
    For just open my eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if you lead me I cannot stray
    Or just open my eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
    I am lost if you take your hand from me
    I am blind without try light to see
    Lord just always let me Thy servant be
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me
    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if you lead me I cannot stray
    Lord just open my eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t you lead me

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