Breaking fish together

SCRIPTURE: John 21:1-14
“Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.” (John 21:13)
To break bread together is to more than eating together.
It is a covenant of two or more people who share one meal: intimate communion.
Jesus does not just come to die, He comes to restore communion between God and people.
Jesus breaks bread (and fish), a sign of intimate fellowship with God and each other.
As Jesus’ followers, we ought to be devoted to breaking bread (eating) together (Acts 2:42).
Not just the formal Lord’s Supper at church, but regular fellowship in Christ around food.
Any meal, not just with bread and wine (a typical middle eastern meal at that time).
Go out for coffee, or fish and chips or wings, but do so in/with Christ.
Jesus is with us always, to the very end (Matthew 28:20), He is with us when we eat.
And whether we do it in church (with tiny little cups) or at the beach, or at a diner…
We are fellowshipping together with the risen Lord, a covenant bond of restored love.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for wanting to eat with us. Help us to share Your hospitality with others, that they too may experience the wonder of eating with Jesus.

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