dying with confidence

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 50
Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” (John 11:25-26) Do I believe this? Do I believe the promise of God? Am I prepared to live and to die with confidence that the Lord will keep His promise? This is the faith that is expressed in Jacob’s funeral in the land, and also in Joseph’s insistence that he be buried in the promised land.

Both of them were hanging on to the promise of God. God had promised them that they and their children would inherit the land. But so far they hadn’t. In fact, at this point they were far away from the land. And for the people of Israel, it would get even worse. But Moses writes this to remind the Israelites (now after the 400 year exile in Egypt, now on the way to the promised land), that their forefathers did not give up hope, that both Jacob and Joseph remained confident in God’s promise.

Joseph’s words, ‘when God comes to help you’ shows this confidence. Martha seems to show this too, when she says to Jesus, he will rise when everyone else rises, at the last day (John 11:24). But Jesus clarifies her faith by focusing it on Himself. He is the resurrection, He is God Himself who has come to help. This is not vague future hope, the promise has become reality in Jesus!

To live in a faith relationship with Jesus is to be alive, fully alive, forever alive. Not even death can take that away. We have more than just a promise (which was enough to inspire Jacob and Joseph with confidence), we have the reality in Jesus. Even more than Jacob and Joseph, we can look sickness, suffering and death straight in the eye and say, ‘I am alive in Jesus, and you can’t take that away from me!’

The question is asked of me, that was asked of Martha. Do I believe this? Do I act like it? Do I face death (like Jacob and Joseph), clinging to the promise and assurance that He will lead me from this life to the next? Do I grieve with hope, or without it?

Lord, I realize that I do not live as if I am fully alive, now and forever. I still fear death, and wonder about where You are in my suffering. I want to trust Your promise!


  1. LORD, I thank You for Your assurance, Your promises that from beginning to end in our lives, You are at work, using all situations, circumstances, details, our strengths and our weaknesses to bring to completion all that You have purposed for our lives.

    LORD, thank You for the testimony of the great people of faith that fill the pages of the Bible to reveal to us that we too can walk with You; that Jesus came to give what we could never earn – SALVATION.

    LORD, I pray that You give us eyes to see Your fingerprints on our lives, especially in times of difficutly and uncertainty. LORD, grant us hearts that are open wide to receive and to know Your love with the power You desire us to know. LORD, may our minds always be open to the ways that You are at work – not to question Your ways but to believe in Your ways with the power of the Holy Spirit.

    I praise You and thank You LORD that my life is in Your hands. I thank You LORD that what You have begun, You will bring to completion. Thank You LORD for the promise of Jeremiah 29:11-14 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you!” declares the LORD.”

    Jesus, all for Jesus, all I am and have and ever hope to be. All of my ambitions, hopes and plans, I surrender these into Your hands. For it’s only in Your will that I am free, Yes it’s only in Your will that I am free……. Thank You LORD for the gift of freedom…..

  2. What an influence Jacob had in the lives of the Egyptians. They had gained respect from the leaders of the land even though they were just shepherds. The loss of good people is a loss to any place. Joseph showed respect to the body, his father and carried out his father’s wishes as to where he was to be buried. The land the Lord had promised.

    Joseph ‘sees’ the hand of God in his life and yet the brothers don’t. Upon their return of the burial, they are fearful. Once again Joseph reassures them And at the end of his life, he reminds his brothers that God’s Word will come to pass. Once again he reminds them of God’s plan for His people.

    What a living witness Joseph was. He was a living epistle read by all who knew him. And when God called him home, he stated once again that God’s promises will be fulfilled. In life and in death, Joseph blonged to God.

    Lord help me to live for Jesus today and every day. To be a Christ follower is to live twice but die once. By my death I will forever live with you. I am alive, forevermore. Help me to be a living witness to that Truth.

    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive
    Alive forevermore
    Alive alive alive forevermore
    My Jesus is alive

    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    My Jesus is alive forevermore
    Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
    My Jesus is alive

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