Am I open to the truth?

SCRIPTURE: John 18:37-40
“Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37)
I know someone who has concluded that there is no God.
This after years of believing, and even experiencing God, by their own admission.
It is no coincidence that this corresponds with a change in lifestyle.
Without belief in God, he is free to live recklessly, without conscience getting in the way.
“What is truth?” may be the question, but the behaviour reveals ‘what is convenient?’
Jesus speaks a challenging truth, an unsettling truth, one that cuts to the heart.
People who are open feel the truth of what Jesus says (even Pilate can’t fault Him).
They may not like it, but they sense the rightness of His teachings.
Sadly, people prefer an insurrectionist over a peace-making, healing servant king.
People prefer bondage to greed, lust, pride, self-interest, addiction… over Jesus.
The truth will set us free, but we must be willing to accept it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your truth may not be easy or convenient, but it is liberating and life-changing, for those who accept it. Better a servant to the King than a slave to a fool.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Jesus is King! Truth reigns.! This is the power – to exercise truth over all. Men are not brought in by force into the Kingdom. No armies, no force can establish the Kingdom except the Truth. Look at our history and see how often we have used force and flame.
    Pilate did not wait for an answer to his question ‘What is truth.’ Yet to all who seek the truth will find it like the buried treasure. The Truth of the Word will make one free yet the people need to desire it and not insist upon their own way.
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see Jesus always – my Lord and King.

    Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of truth,
    And from it I will not depart;
    That I may steadfastly obey,
    Give me an understanding heart.

    In Thy commandments make me walk,
    For in the law my joy shall be;
    Give me a heart that loves Thy will,
    From discontent and envy free.

    Turn Thou my eyes from vanity,
    And cause me in Thy ways to tread;
    O let Thy servant prove Thy Word,
    And thus to godly fear be led.

    Turn Thou away reproach and fear,
    Thy righteous judgments I confess;
    To know Thy precepts I desire,
    Revive me in Thy righteousness.

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