Jesus is “the one”

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 49
When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Matthew 11:2-3) The Jews were expecting someone, “the one”. Jacob mentions “the one” in his blessing of Judah: The sceptre will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honour. (Genesis 49:10). John the Baptist asks if Jesus is “the one”.

Jesus is “the one”. There are many prophecies in the Jewish bible that speak of the coming messiah (Hebrew for ‘anointed one’, Christ is Greek). From the very beginning, the children of Adam and Eve have anticipated the coming of the seed of the woman that would crush the seed of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Jacob somehow knows that this “seed” will not come from his firstborn son, but through Judah.

These words of blessing seem odd. Not all of them sound like blessings, they actually sound like curses. I don’t think that Jacob is judging his sons. I see it more as his reflecting on their personality types, and anticipating their futures based on their actions. Judah demonstrated leadership gifts, and his father recognizes this by seeing the future “leader” coming through him.

We are not bound by the blessings or curses of others. Others may recognize things in us, may even declare things about us (he’ll never amount to anything, she can’t hold a job, etc.). But with God’s help, we can discover His identity and purpose for us. Jacob’s sons could have chosen a different course for their lives, positively or negatively.

In the end, we are all response-able, able to respond. But we cannot succeed without God’s help. We need God to help us break free from the curse of sin and death. We need the help of “the one” who can set the captives free, heal the sick, raise the death (see Jesus’ response to John’s requests about being “the one”, Matthew 11:4-6).

Jesus is the one that Jacob’s sons needed, and we need Him too. May we not rely on worldly blessings, or be held back by worldly curses; may we look to Jesus to find the only freedom and blessing that counts.

Lord, help me to put my trust in you, “the one” I need to set me free!


  1. LORD, what does my past (actions and responses) reveal about who I am today or who I will be in the future? What character traits today reveal what my future may hold in You? Am I making Godly choices? Is it evident that I am walking with You, that You are my LORD and Saviour, You are the One whom I live for?

    LORD, may my life be a living testimony to You! May my identity be in You; my hope, my trust, my everything be in You! May I never take for granted that You are working in and through me for Your plans and purposes – it’s not about me!

    LORD, just as I read in verses 23,24 may I allow difficult and challenging times to strengthen my faith so that I might have a better tomorrow. May I never be afraid to live in total surrender to You LORD. Draw me close to You, never let me go. My life is in You LORD.

    LORD, just as Jacob blessed his children, may I too make every effort to encourage my children to be all that they can be in You. May I recognize the gifts that You have given them and take the time needed to encourage them to live them out.

    Thank You LORD that our true identity is in Christ! LORD, help me to live today so that I can be all that You desire me to be tomorrow and every day that follows……

  2. What a blessing to be able to call your sons together and have a final word to them. What a living testimony our lives can be if we too share His story with our children. As was shown regarding Joseph, it was and still is God who helps us from day to day and He is our Shepherd and Rock always. What a blessing to have the family living together as a separate people = God’s people.

    The words Jacob spoke to each son were God directed. And when he finished he asked his children to bury him in Canaan – the promised land. In life and also in death we are under His care. In all that we do do we need to be doing His work until it is finished and He calls us home. May our children also see how we freely live for Jesus each day doing our tasks in His power until He calls us home. May the lives we live be a blessing also for our children.

    Days and moments quickly flying
    Blend the living with the dead;
    Soon our bodies will be lying
    Each within its narrow bed.

    Soon our souls to God Who gave them
    Will have sped their rapid flight:
    Able now by grace to save them,
    O that, while we can, we might!

    Jesus, infinite Redeemer,
    Maker of this mighty frame,
    Teach, O teach us to remember
    What we are, and whence we came.

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