Today’s readings will be divided, Haggai today and Malachi tomorrow.
SCRIPTURE: Haggai 1:1-2:23
“And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.” (Haggai 2:5)
Haggai describes a revival among God’s people.
Their spirits have been stirred for God’s kingdom agenda.
But the results are not what they hoped.
God urges them to be encouraged, to stay strong, for He is with them.
When we focus on the results, we can get discouraged.
But when we focus on our spiritual potential, we can be encouraged.
Our spiritual potential is the reality and possibility of God’s Spirit working through us.
God remains committed to His kingdom agenda, and His Spirit keeps on working for it.
Even if the results are not what we hoped for, we can stay confident in God.
As we build God’s ‘house’ in Falby Court, and the results are not what we hoped…
We can stay confident: “My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it is easy to get distracted and discouraged by less than hoped for results. Keep our hearts focused on You, and keep them stirred up for action, trusting in You for the results!
Who’s first?
In all my activities from day to day, where is God in my plans? Are my first words in the morning, ‘Good morning Lord’? As I live out this day am I in His presence? I am but do I realize thoughtfully that I am?
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Rejoice and be glad in it.
Work this new day
in His garden
for He is with me.
Always I will serve the living God
for He has empowered me
to be a living testimony
that our/my God reigns.
I am His and He is mine
His banner over us is love.
In the mountains of joy, in the valley of tears
I will love you, I will trust you
When the flame’s burning bright, when I’m weary and dry
I will love you, I will trust you
You are my strength and you are my song giving me hope and guiding me on
At all times I will sing of your greatness
At all times I will sing of your love
At all times I will sing of your faithfulness
For your goodness remains and your love is the same at all times
When your guidance is clear, when I can’t see ahead
I will love you, I will trust you
In the summer of life, in the soul’s darkest night
I will love you, I will trust you