A message from Jesus

SCRIPTURE: John 16:5-16
“He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.” (John 15:14)
A rich business owner from Belgium appoints his daughter heir and Chief Officer of his business.
She was a close friend in University days, and she sends a company employee to visit you.
This messenger says that you can have a high position in the business, if you want it.
This couldn’t come at a better time, and with excitement you hug the messenger.
The messenger reminds you they are only bringing you a message from your friend.
He will glorify the new CO, because it is from her that he received what he made know to you.
God has entrusted His vast estate to His Son.
The Son is Your close friend, and sends you a messenger to communicate His heart to you.
When you sense ‘God loves you’, it is the Spirit bringing a message from Jesus.
When you feel ‘you are not alone’, it is the Spirit bringing a message from Jesus.
When you discern ‘that is not a good thing to do’, it is the Spirit bringing a message from Jesus.
When you hear ‘help that person out’, it is the Spirit bringing a message from Jesus.
Jesus is not with us in person, but He is with us in Spirit…
He still speaks, He still trains us as disciples, He still shows us the way.
Pay attention to the still small voice of the Spirit in your heart.
It is the voice of your best friend in the Universe.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are with me today. You are speaking to me through the day. Help me to pay attention to Your message, knowing that Your words bring life, hope, wisdom and happiness.

One Comment

  1. Breathe on me, breathe on me,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me;
    Take Thou my heart, cleanse every part,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me.

    Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
    My stubborn will subdue;
    Teach me in words of living flame
    What Christ would have me do.

    Breathe on me, breathe on me,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me;
    Take Thou my heart, cleanse every part,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me.

    Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
    Fill me with pow’r divine;
    Kindle a flame of love and zeal
    Within this heart of mine.

    Breathe on me, breathe on me,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me;
    Take Thou my heart, cleanse every part,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me.

    Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
    Till I am all Thine own,
    Until my will is lost in Thine,
    To live for Thee alone.

    Breathe on me, breathe on me,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me;
    Take Thou my heart, cleanse every part,
    Holy Spirit, breathe on me.

    In their sorrow Jesus promised to be with them. He would send them the Holy Spirit. The Spirit convicts us of our sins and yet convinces us of God’s love. We/I need to be shown the Way.

    Remember Pentecost? What must we/I do?

    The Spirit shows me the wrong and makes me strong to live for Jesus. In order to be happy and know it, let the Spirit rule and reign in my heart so that I may do His will.

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