The Jerusalem God loves!

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 122
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:6)
When this Psalm was written, the old covenant temple was built there.
Today, the new covenant temple (people whose hearts are open to God) are everywhere.
Jerusalem for Christians today is anywhere and everywhere that God is among His people.
You might say that Jerusalem is ‘the church’, though not in a building sense.
Pray for believers wherever they are, that they may be secure, have peace and prosper.
And not just for their own comfort and benefit, but that the world might be blessed.
God’s intention from the beginning was to bless the nations through His people.
Wherever we are, whatever we do, may God bless us SO THAT others may be blessed.
I do not pray just for Jerusalem in Israel, but for every town, city, community.
I pray that God’s people – Jesus’ followers – would be shining examples of God’s grace.
That the Church (people, not building) may draw people to Jesus, and not drive them away!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have spread us all over the world, so that we might share You with all of the world. Forgive us for getting stuck in our buildings, and losing sight of our true calling!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    An invitation to come together to worship. Very fitting since today is ‘Sonday’ but then we may worship the Lord our God any day, anytime time and anywhere. What a privilege!
    God’s people come together to worship – to praise His name.
    Worship is living for Jesus anywhere, anytime. God’s people come together and praise and pray for His church universal – for all His people. There is only peace for those whose Lord is God and living within His ‘hedge.’ All God’s people must seek Him daily and only those who live for Jesus can live securely.
    Seek God and live!
    As for me and my household, we will serve the living God!

    O Jesus I have promised
    To serve You to the end
    Be thou forever near me
    My Master and my Friend.

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