We rule (by the Spirit)

SCRIPTURE: John 16:1-11
“Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” (John 16:7)
By the tree in the Garden, Satan became prince of this world (Genesis 3:1ff)
On the ‘tree’ (cross) on Golgotha, Satan was condemned and removed as prince of this world (John 16:11).
As a result, Adam (Jesus, the perfect human) is restored to the throne over creation.
The the Spirit (breathe of life) of God is restored to humanity, our Helper (Advocate, Counsellor).
Because Jesus ascends to the throne, the kingdom of God is restored.
The Spirit exposes the defeat of Satan and warns about the shame of sin.
And He equips us to live God-like lives (i.e. righteousness).
Yes, it is for our good that Jesus leaves us, because now He is IN us by the Spirit.
Our world belongs to God, no matter what things look like.
Jesus is in charge as God’s Human Agent, and He runs things through us.
He is the King, and we are His kings; He is the Lord, and we are His lords.
He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us live holy, kingdom lives.
With His Spirit’s help, we live God-like (fruit of the Spirit) lives.
And THIS is how God’s kingdom is restored… when we live like this, like God (Genesis 1:26-28).
Yes, it is good that Jesus is on the throne, because we now reign with Him.
And Satan cannot stop us (unless, of course, if we let him), for he stands condemned.
If only Christians would start living this way – like Jesus – we would see God’s kingdom coming!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for living as if Satan were still the prince. Remind us of how powerful Your Spirit is, and that we have everything we need to live God-like lives.


  1. Observation/Application
    ‘Jesus tells his disciples three very important things about the work of the Holy Spirit — to convince the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. The original word for convince also means convict. The Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier. He makes us holy as God is holy. He does this first by convicting us of our sin and by bringing us humbly to the foot of the Cross. The Spirit convinces us of God’s love and forgiveness and of our utter dependence on God for his mercy and grace. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us from the error of our sinful ways and to show us the way of love and truth. The Jews who condemned Jesus as a heretic and blasphemer thought they were serving God rather than sinning when they crucified Jesus. When the gospel was later preached on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:37), many were pricked in their heart and convicted of their sin. What made them change their mind about Jesus? It is the work of the Holy Spirit to both convict us of wrongdoing and to convince us of God’s truth. The Spirit convinces us of the righteousness of Christ, backed by the fact that Jesus rose again and went to his Father. The Holy Spirit also convicts us of judgment. The Spirit gives us the inner and unshakable conviction that we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. God’s judgments are just and good. When we heed his judgments we find true peace, joy and reconciliation with God. Do you allow the Holy Spirit free reign in your life that he may set you free from the grip of sin and set you ablaze with the fire of God’s love? ‘

    Jesus tells his disciples three very important things about the work of the Holy Spirit — to convince the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. The original word for convince also means convict. The Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier. He makes us holy as God is holy. He does this first by convicting us of our sin and by bringing us humbly to the foot of the Cross. The Spirit convinces us of God’s love and forgiveness and of our utter dependence on God for his mercy and grace. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us from the error of our sinful ways and to show us the way of love and truth. The Jews who condemned Jesus as a heretic and blasphemer thought they were serving God rather than sinning when they crucified Jesus. When the gospel was later preached on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:37), many were pricked in their heart and convicted of their sin. What made them change their mind about Jesus? It is the work of the Holy Spirit to both convict us of wrongdoing and to convince us of God’s truth. The Spirit convinces us of the righteousness of Christ, backed by the fact that Jesus rose again and went to his Father. The Holy Spirit also convicts us of judgment. The Spirit gives us the inner and unshakable conviction that we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. God’s judgments are just and good. When we heed his judgments we find true peace, joy and reconciliation with God. Do you allow the Holy Spirit free reign in your life that he may set you free from the grip of sin and set you ablaze with the fire of God’s love?

    Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine,
    Display Thy glorious grace;
    Unfold the truth, that it may shine,
    And show the Savior’s face.
    Dark error’s cloud from us remove,
    Which intercepts the light;
    And give us wisdom still to prove
    God’s way alone is right.

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