For people who need hope…

SCRIPTURE: Nahum 1-3
“Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!” (Nahum 3:1)
Mosul is an Iraqi city under ISIS occupation.
Citizens describe the occupation as hellish: beheadings, stonings, forced conversions, rape, men forced to fight jihad and young girls forced to marry ISIS soldiers.
Like Nineveh in ancient Assyria (same area where ISIS is today), conditions are brutal for the people.
Imagine the joy in Mosul today when word reaches them that the Kurdish and Iraqi armies are on their way.
“Look, there on the mountains, the feet of one who brings good news, who proclaims peace!” (Nahum 1:5)
This message of Nahum is specific to the time and situation then.
But it is also a general reminder that God will always defeat injustice and suffering.
Evil may seem to have the upper hand, but it’s days are always numbered.
At first the Assyrian authorities repent at Jonah’s warning, but they turn back to old ways.
I read these words as an encouragement to ALL who are suffering at the hands of evil.
For all who grieve or are tormented, physically or socially or emotionally or spiritually.
The days of darkness are difficult, but their days are numbered.
Peace is coming, freedom, release, healing is on it’s way.
Though I am not suffering personally, my heart does break for those who do.
I want them to know the truth of these words: hang on, God will come through, you will survive this.
Nothing can separate you from God’s love!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may the message of peace be heard. Show me where I can be your messenger of peace today, to encourage someone who is discouraged, to bring hope to the hopeless.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Our God is an awesome God. He is holy. He is a jealous God. Worship Him and Him only. He visits the people and brings judgement upon them but remember
    the good news.
    One day all will be restored
    for He has given us the Good News.

    Jesus saves.
    He is the answer.
    Serve Him. There is none other.
    Life is real in Him.
    Death is for all others.
    Some hope in horses, their armies, their own strength
    but my hope is in the Lord God for He is the Victor.
    He is the healer.
    He is there always
    brings healing in His wings
    and He gathers His own.
    Praise Him always.

    1. God gives His people strength.
    If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
    All those who bear the burden of the day
    God gives His people strength.

    2. God gives His people hope
    If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
    He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
    God gives His people hope.

    3. God gives His people love
    If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start.
    God gives His people love.

    4. God gives His people peace.
    When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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