My invisible friend?

SCRIPTURE: John 14:15-24
“The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:17)
Let’s be honest, God is invisible to us, so is Jesus, so is the Spirit.
Yet so many people throughout history claim to ‘see’ God, to ‘know’ Jesus, to ‘feel’ the Spirit.
Jesus says that the key to seeing and knowing and sensing God is love and obedience.
If you trust someone, if you embrace who they are and what they stand for… you will do what they say.
A closed heart, a closed mind, a refusal to accept, makes it difficult to experience something.
Jesus was physically on earth for approximately 30 years.
He is no longer here in body, but He is still with us, and in us, through the Spirit.
I cannot explain how God’s Spirit works, but I do ‘see’, I do ‘know’, I do ‘sense’ God’s presence.
God is at home in me, and I am at home in God.
I live UNDER the security of my Father, WITH the presence of Jesus, IN the strength of the Spirit.
Over, with and in me, I am surrounded and supported and never alone, never on my own.
Others cannot see or feel what I do, but that does not make it imaginary.
Do you have the support of the God of the Universe, your invisible yet very real friend?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I cannot explain how I sense You, but I know You are real, I know You are near. Thank You for guiding and helping me to be the person You made me to be!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Love and obey. These two words came to my mind as I read today’s passage.

    The Gospel in one word is LOVE – love God and love man.
    And the second part to the first command
    Do as I did – putting love in action.
    And the promise is there – the Spirit will enable because He is with us at all times.
    What a gift.
    What a promise.
    What a God!
    What a Father
    to take care of His own.
    We are all adopted onto the Family.
    what a family that is.

    We are one in the Spirit
    We are one in the Lord
    We are one in the Spirit
    We are one in the Lord

    And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
    And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
    Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love

    We will work with each other
    We will work side by side
    We will work with each other
    We will work side by side

    And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride
    And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
    Yeah, they’ll know we are Christians by our love, our love
    By our love, our love, by our love, our love, by our love, our love
    By our love, by our love, by our love, our love
    by our love

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