God in the garden

SCRIPTURE: John 14:5-14
“I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” (John 14:11)
God is ‘out there’, beyond creation, beyond our reach or ability to grasp.
How do you relate to an invisible, incomprehensible Being?
God’s plan from the beginning was to make Himself visible.
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” (Genesis 3:8)
How does an invisible spirit Being go for a walk in the garden?
God reduces Himself to a body in order to communicate with us, to relate with us.
Because of their sin, humans lost this connection to God.
But like Thomas, we have this strong desire to find God.
Like Philip, we still have this deep down desire to see God.
Jesus is the Self-Revelation of the invisible God, in a body, that we may walk with Him in the garden.
What Jesus says, what Jesus does, is exactly what God the Father would do, for they are one.
The reason God makes Himself visible to us is to help us fulfill our creation calling.
He reduces Himself in order that He might expand us, to help us do the great things we were made for.
What we see Jesus doing as a human, we can do too… when we walk in partnership with God.
But the key is Jesus – God walking in the (weed-infested) garden with us.
Don’t run from Him, don’t hide from Him.
Remain in Him, as He remains in us, and “greater things” will happen!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, right now I cannot see You, but one day I will. I look forward to that day. Until then, help me to experience You in me, helping me to live for You!

One Comment

  1. Observation Application
    Jesus is the Way.
    Thomas was shown the reality of it all with his own eyes.
    Philip needed to see the Father through Jesus.
    So do I.
    Often when we see our children growing up we are reminded of the things we did. They are at times a little of us. So too it is of Christ – but not just a little – ALL of Him is also ALL of God. He was in the beginning. Before Creation. At Creation. In the Garden then and in the ‘Garden’ now. The Trinity – a concept that I can’t wrap my head around since I am man and He is Part of the Godhead.
    We have seen the Father because Jesus is . . .
    He is the Way to our eternal Home and in the meantime He continues to walk with us as we do His will for our lives. As Christ glorified His Father so we too may glorify Christ though the daily workings we do in our living for Jesus. He enables us. He empowers us this day and always if we but believe.

    Father, we love You
    We worship and adore You
    Glorify Thy Name in all the earth

    Glorify Thy Name
    Glorify Thy Name
    Glorify Thy Name in all the earth

    Verse 2:
    Jesus, we love You
    We worship and adore You
    Glorify Thy Name in all the earth

    Verse 3:
    Spirit, we love You
    We worship and adore You
    Glorify Thy Name in all the earth

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