‘Your heart might freeze that way’

SCRIPTURE: John 12:37-43
“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts.” (John 12:40, Isaiah 6:10)
This is a quote from Isaiah 6, where Isaiah is sent on a mission.
After years and years of warnings, signs, appeals to come back to God,
Isaiah must tell the Israel that God will ‘harden’ them in their stubbornness.
Since they refuse to repent and believe, He will let them get stuck in their refusal.
Jesus has the same tough assignment, since He’s dealing with the same stubbornness.
Parents sometimes warn scowling children, ‘be careful, your face might freeze that way’.
This passage warns those who refuse or resist God… ‘Be careful, your heart might freeze that way’.
God is not being mean, God gives people what they adamantly want and choose.
But what about those who do want to believe, but are afraid of what others say (vv.42-43)?
This is not a happy place to be, since you are at odds with both Jesus and those you fear.
You are happy where you are, but afraid of where you want to be.
It’s not for me to judge their faith or criticize their fear.
God is gracious, He continues to reach out to us, to draw us over to Him.
But eventually He takes the hint, and accepts our rejection, and lets us go.
The message for now is to consider if we are waffling, hesitating, or even refusing with God.
‘Be careful, your heart might freeze that way’.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, show me where I’m holding back and help me cross the line. I don’t want to get stuck where I don’t want to be.

One Comment

  1. Observation?Application

    v. 1
    Though He performed sure signs among them,
    His very own would not believe.
    So they fulfilled the word about them,
    their eyes were blind and could not see.
    They missed the glory manifest
    in Jesus signs and servant’s death.

    v. 2
    Isaiah saw surpassing glory
    in Jesus Christ the Servant King.
    He saw enthroned the Lord in glory,
    His holiness the angels sing.
    He saw the Servant bearing sin,
    so we are counted right in Him.

    v. 3
    Will you believe in Christ confessing,
    before a world in unbelief?
    Whose praise is truly worth possessing,
    whose glory will you choose to seek?
    The pleasures of this age will pass,
    the glory of our Lord will last.

    v. 4
    O love the Lord all you who choose Him,
    His beauty make your heart’s delight.
    He is Your Lord and God, pursue Him,
    by faith we live in heaven’s heights.
    O Lord, you say, come “seek My face,”
    by faith I will, O give me grace.

    Open the eyes of my heart Lord that I may see You in all things. I must live for Jesus and He will guide my way. Praise from men is temporary but giving my heart to serving You is eternal. Help me daily to walk in Your Way and help me to LightShine always. Then I can truly live in JOY for the joy of the Lord God is my strength.

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