faith to believe when I cannot see

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 45
Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. ‘Abba, Father,’ he said, ‘everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.’ (Mark 14:35-36). Jesus is confident in the greatness and the goodness of God. God can do everything, but He will not do everything. His goodness determines that He will only do what is good, what is the best. Jesus recognizes that God’s will is always the best.

Joseph is able to see this too. When he speaks to his brothers, he does not hold a grudge, he is not poisoned by bitterness. He has been able to step back –even before his brothers showed up – and see that what happened to him was for the best. Joseph is saying this after the fact, while Jesus says it before hand, before the suffering begins.

What about us, what about me? Can I see the hand of God in my life, in the good and the bad? Can I forgive those who have hurt me, because I know that God allowed this evil for a greater good… whether I can see that greater good or not?

To believe like this, especially for people who have gone through horrible experiences, is not something that we can summon within ourselves. We need God’s help to see His goodness in all that happens, the good, the bad and the ugly.

This kind of faith (or confidence) will not happen immediately. It starts now, right now, before the crises come. It starts with my daily surrendering myself and my life to the Lord, affirming my trust in Him, repeating these lines of Joseph, or Jesus, imprinting them in our minds. This is one way that we build our hope on the solid rock, so when the storms do hit, we have a solid rock to cling to.

To surrender to the greatness and goodness of God. Not what I will, but what You will.

Lord, give me eyes to see how You are at work in all my circumstances, for good. And give me faith to believe it when I cannot see it.


  1. The two outstanding verses in this passage for me were,

    v8: “Now therefore, it was not you who sent me here, but God”
    He is not only releasing them from their guilt but he is humble to say that this position, this power, these riches have all been arranged by God for a specific purpose

    v24: “he said to them (his brothers), Do not quarrel on the journey”
    I thought this one liner in the midst of this passage was hilarious … kind of like a side line “and hey guys, can you find it within yourselves to not quarrel on the journey home!” Even though he was away from his family for twenty years, Joseph still knew his brothers!

  2. ROMANS 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”

    LORD, I give You thanks that You are at work always – in ALL situations and circumstances! Your ways are not our ways! I cannot always understand but I can choose to live in surrender trusting You completely – NOT by my might but by Your Spirit power.

    LORD, thank You for these scriptures. They reveal to my heart that nothing is impossible for You. This includes forgiveness, loving as You have ordained us to love through the power and blood of Your Son’s death, trusting and hoping in You. LORD, if there are things in my life that hold me captive – past grievances, hurts, failures etc., may Your Spirit release me from that bondage so that like Joseph I too can live in the power of Your Holy love.

    Thank You LORD that each day brings yet more opportunities to grow in my faith, to experience You in powerful ways, to witness the work of Your hands in my life and the world around me. Thank You LORD that with each new day, You are constantly at work, transforming me, changing me, refining me, renewing me, molding me to become all that You created me to be.

    Thank You LORD that when I do not understand, I do not have to live in fear, anxiety or uncertainty because You are a God of all hope. Thank You LORD that You have made the power of trusting You available to all who believe in You in and through the workings of Your Holy Spirit. LORD, when I am weak, You are strong! Fill me LORD with Your strength. Thank You LORD for being so much more than I am able to understand! Thank You LORD for being more than my limited faith is able to believe. Teach me more LORD, teach me more….. Increase my faith. To You be all the glory, honour and praise.

  3. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers who he is and they can hardly believe it. Yet upon telling the story of how God used him and all that happened, the brothers believed and they embraced and accepted one another. The best was yet to come, because not only did Joseph invite his father to come to Egypt, but also pharaoh did, promising the best of the land. Leave all behind and live here in the land of abundance – freely.

    As Joseph went ahead to prepare the way for the family, so too God has prepared a way for His people. As Joseph told his brothers not to quarrel since he knew his brothers, the Lord God tells us to love one another as He has loved us. As Jacob was made ready for the journey so we too are made ready for our journey with Him.

    Open my eyes Lord this day and every day that I may see You leading and guiding me in all I do and say. And as the brothers saw Joseph and Jacob saw Joseph, help me to see you and exclaim as Peter did, My Lord and my God. Help me in my faith.

    Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
    The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
    When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
    Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

    Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
    Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
    Change and decay in all around I see;
    O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

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