Avoiding the press?

SCRIPTURE: John 11:54-57
“Jesus no longer moved about publicly among the people of Judea.” (John 11:54)
Jesus is not simply avoiding trouble, He is avoiding premature trouble.
He is a dangerous person in a dangerous time, He could touch off a ‘revolution’.
He is not this kind of messiah, but this is the kind of messiah the people want (see John 6:15).
This makes me think of the danger of seeking publicity or media attention.
Sometimes Christians or churches think that any press is good press.
For example, a pastor being asked to pray for a political leader’s inauguration.
It may give publicity and press, but it also changes the message we represent.
Hosting a community event?… call the paper, let the world see and know?…
Our job is not to seek attention, nor to impress the masses, nor to back political parties.
Our job is to serve the Lord and the people around us, whether others notice or not.
It’s not for me to say all press is bad or good, or when it is one or the other.
But we need to be careful when we are seeking the attention of the world.
This is definitely speaking to me, I do think about media attention for our church.
I want the community to hear about what we are doing in the community…
For me, there is wisdom is staying humble, laying low, avoiding the media when possible.
Instead let our deeds be our witness… not your photo ops.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I realize I am still trying to build or promote the church. Help me to keep my focus on my true calling, and to let our faithful service stand as it’s own witness.


  1. Haha reading this made me think of you before I even read the entire thing. I mean that in the most loving way 😉 because I’m the same way! I’m always thinking “ok, so how do I advertise Kidzone in a way that’s going to get media attention? Do we need to constantly update our website and make it known in the community what we do? There’s a difference between ‘advertising’ and bringing ‘awareness’. Jesus laying low reminds me too that it’s not about getting the public eye to witness what we do, it’s about witnessing to others the love of Christ regardless if it’s visible to the eye or not.

  2. Observation/Application
    Almost but not yet.
    The timing was not now to complete what Christ came to do. Now it would be playing into their hands. A reckless manner. Christ would all in time, the right time to complete His Father’s mission for Him.
    Christ had vision in His mission – knowing full well what had to happen.
    As people of Christ we too need to know His timing in our lives and not insist upon our own ways. In the wilderness, Christ was preparing Himself and communicating with the Father, no doubt, about the future events. What about my talks with God and my living for Jesus in the here and now?
    I need to walk daily with my Saviour realizing that He leads and guides me in the way I should be daily walking. He’s in charge.
    Am I in tune?

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

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