Wise men still seek Him

SCRIPTURE: John 10:40-42
“Many people came to him.” (John 10:41)
How do we explain the radical expansion of Jesus’ movement?
His mission failed, He eventually died.
His teaching was not only hard, it was impossible.
Organize a movement of people willing to suffer and die for God and good?
His ideas were counter-cultural: love your enemies, forgive those who hurt you?
Yes, He did perform signs, unlike John, but enough to get people to change so radically?
“Many believed in Jesus.” (John 10:42)
There was something about Jesus, something that grabbed at peoples hearts.
Still through the centuries, that something draws people to Him, and they believe in Him.
I sometimes wonder whether we as Christians have lost that wonder.
Today is Christmas, and I mentioned to someone that the Christmas story seem dull.
I’ve heard it so many times, spoken about it in many settings.
A stable, a manger, wise men, shepherds, a star, angels, sheep, animals, a young couple…
And a baby????
Who is this Jesus that still attracts seekers and followers?
What makes Jesus stand out from all others?
This is what drives me – not church, not religion, not christmas.
“I want to know Christ — yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10-11)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord Jesus, help me to discover You again as if for the first time. With the same wonder and eagerness as these first seekers and followers who found in You that ‘something’ that we’re all looking for.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Come to Jesus.
    He is the answer.
    He is the reason for the season.
    John proclaimed the Word.
    it cost him his life.
    Jesus proclaimed the Word
    and did many acts of healing
    showing Who He was
    and is
    and will be forevermore.
    And it cost Hime His life
    so that you
    can live forevermore.
    What a Saviour!

    What a Savior Jesus is!
    He is mine, and I am His;
    He the price of sin has paid,
    And for me atonement made.

    What a Savior, what a Savior,
    What a Savior Jesus is!
    I will praise Him, ever praise Him,
    He is mine, and I am His!

    Have a joy filled Christmas.

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