You light up my life!

SCRIPTURE: John 8:12-20
“I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.” (John 8:18)
Moses (John 5:46), the scriptures (John 5:39), and God the Father all agree with Jesus.
If these religious people really knew God, they would recognize Jesus.
They would rejoice that finally someone who shared God’s heart had come.
God’s concern for the poor and needy, God’s concern for justice and mercy, God’s compassion.
It was their attachment to the Law, and their own self-righteousness, that blinded them.
They could not see the heart of God because of their religious pride.
Still today, people recognize the ‘rightness’ of Jesus, even if they reject God and religion.
Jesus’ words and life bring light, hope, they make the world a better place.
Today if someone wants to know what God is like, I point them to Jesus.
The Jewish writings (the OT) gives hints and clues, but Jesus is the clearest picture.
The Christian writings (the NT) give commentary on Jesus, but Jesus is the standard.
Whoever sees or hears Jesus, sees and hears God.
Listen to what Jesus says, follow what Jesus does… He will light up your life!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, people often get bogged down in the other parts of the bible. You make things clear. You shed light on Who God is, and who we are. You light up my life!


  1. This blog reminds me of the song ‘Go Light Your World’ by Chris Rice. Jesus IS that light in the midst of ALL darkness. That’s why I think it says in John 14:16 – ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody can get to my Father except through me’. My hope and prayer is I take that candle and go light my world. So that others can see there is much more to life than living for just ourselves.

  2. Observation/Application
    Light gives life. No light = no life.
    When Israel oft Egypt land, the Light guided them – the pillar of fire. That light put them in the Way. The religious rulers again found themselves bound to their own legalities used to try to trap Jesus. But once again H reminds us that He is our Guide, our LightSource or LifeSource. As He guided the Israelites so He guides His people today if we but listen to His Voice saying – this is the Way. Walk in it.
    I need to be walking in His SonShine each day.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,
    To shine for Him each day;
    In every way try to please Him,
    At home, at school, at play.


    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.

    Jesus wants me to be loving,
    And kind to all I see;
    Showing how pleasant and happy
    His little one can be.


    I will ask Jesus to help me
    To keep my heart from sin,
    Ever reflecting His goodness,
    And always shine for Him.


    I’ll be a sunbeam for Jesus;
    I can if I but try;
    Serving Him moment by moment,
    Then live with Him on high.


  3. I wonder if this is one of the passages that people twist to mean that nothing bad should ever happen to Christians — “in Him there is no darkeness”. Just a thought. The other thing that jumps out at me here is the confidence that Jesus had along with an incredible calmness. When someone challenges me on something that I KNOW is right, I tend to feel angry, frustrated and flustered and I am sure it shows. Is someone disagrees that is fine, but an outright attack on my beliefs or character is sure to shake me up. Jesus remained steady and calm through all kinds of things and this is just another example. Oh, I long to more like Him and less like me.

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