Refusing to listen

SCRIPTURE: John 7:45-53
“This mob that knows nothing of the law — there is a curse on them.” (John 7:49)
If you don’t agree with something, ‘dis’ it and dismiss it.
Make the other look bad, or stupid, and then you don’t have to listen.
Christians should not complain when this happens to them.
They have done it to others for centuries.
It is sinful human nature, and we are all guilt of it.
The problem is, being close-minded like this keeps you from the truth.
They were ‘dis’ing and dismissing Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.
All because what He said didn’t fit with their way of thinking.
This does not mean we should accept everything everyone says.
But as Nicodemus suggests, we should first listen and find out what they’re saying.
Maybe there is some truth in what they say, something we need to hear.
Maybe the Lord is speaking to us, and we are not aware of it.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, open our eyes to see You when You are with us, open our ears to hear You when You are speaking to us. And may our closed-minds not keep us from seeing and hearing You.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    They had sent others to do their girth work and were waiting in anticipation. But their plan didn’t work. The temple guards were taken in by His Words. The people listened but the religious leaders insisted upon their own devious ways. No competition. Their own way and their own position safeguarded. Closed ears.
    How’s my hearing? How do I heed His Word this day? Word and deed go together. May my doings of this day show that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, My Saviour and my Lord!

    Into my heart, into my heart,
    Come into my heart, Lord Jesus;
    Come in today, come in to stay;
    Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.

    Out of my heart, out of my heart,
    Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus;
    Shine out today, shine out alway;
    Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus

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