
SCRIPTURE: John 7:37-44
“Rivers of living water will flow from within them. (John 7:38)
I have sat in gentle rapids, with water rushing around me.
Very refreshing, very energizing.
Jesus is using vivid language to describe a dynamic experience.
To have the Spirit of God, churning and moving within us.
Refreshing us, refreshing others through us.
We were made to have the Spirit (breathe) of God flowing through us.
Separated from God, we are separated from this experience.
And our soul hungers, our soul thirsts, to experience this thrill.
People do not know what they are missing, but they do know they’re missing something.
You can see it in how we live, how we love, how we long for… something more.
Always thirsty, never satisfied, addicted to lesser pleasures, but always disappointed.
Jesus is offering us what our soul needs, what our soul longs for.
The life of God throbbing within us, refreshing us, refreshing others through us.
Are you thirsty for this?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do have this deep soul thirst. I have tasted Your Spirit, I long for more.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The living water.
    Remember the woman at the well and Jesus spoke to her alone about th living water? Here He speaks to all about the water – to all who are thirsty. The call is to all who hear and demands a response.

    Water was very important in the Israelites’ lives. God provided the water during their wanderings. It also pointed forward where Christ is the water of Life for from Him come all things. And so here we see that the Spirit gives us understanding, the Spirit gives us satisfaction, and the Spirit enables us to be a blessing to others.

    Christ not only cleans us but also enables us to live for Him – today and always. He is the Source of Life. GodPower. SpiritDriven. GodStrong. SpiritStrong. ChristStrong.

    God gives His people strength;
    If we believe in His way
    He’s swift to repay
    All those who bare the burden of the day;
    God gives His people strength.
    God gives His people love;
    If we but open wide our heart
    He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start;
    God gives His people love.
    God gives His people peace;
    When sorrow fills us to brim
    And courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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