The God of the underdog

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 113
“He raises the poor from the dust.” (Psalm 113:7)
Where do the world’s underdogs turn to for hope?
Political and religious power are usually in the hands of the few.
And they use their powers for themselves, while neglecting or abusing those below.
This is natural – darwinian – the way things are – if you do not believe in God.
The Jews were underdogs, and they trusted in the God of the underdogs.
Not that their God was weak – enthroned on high, exalted over the nations.
But THIS ‘top dog’ (no disrespect intended) chooses not to use His power FOR Himself.
Notice how this psalm describes the way God uses His exalted position.
Raises the poor, lifts the needy, helps the childless woman.
Any idea of God as distant, aloof, uncaring, overbearing, stern, etc. is inaccurate.
The God that is, that surrounds and sustains all reality, is a God of mercy and love.
He wants all to be princes in His kingdom, to level the ‘playing field’.
But He will bring down who refuse to make room, or refuse to treat others as their equals.
Some may prefer their darwinian, king-of-the-hill worldview (at least if they’re not on the bottom).
But I prefer the God-of-the-underdog worldview.
Praise the Lord, the God of the underdogs, the hope for all who find themselves underfoot.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, too often we have different ideas about God – angry, bossy, judgmental. Help us to see that Your greatness is in Your mercy, Your awesomeness is in Your compassion!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Praise God.
    Praise the Lord at all times and forevermore.
    Praise the Lord for He is in charge.
    He is the One
    Who brings Hope and Prosperity and Life.
    God is our Help at all times.
    He is able
    Able to do mighty things.
    Look and see God at work
    Now and forevermore.
    My God is an awesome God.
    Praise Him.
    Let all peoples praise Him
    for He is The Ruler over ALL.

    Praise ye the Lord, the hope of our salvation;
    Praise ye the Lord, our soul’s abiding trust;
    Great are His works and wonderful His counsels;
    Praise ye the Lord, the only wise and just.
    Praise ye the Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer,
    Praise ye the Lord, His mighty love recall,
    Tell how He came from bondage to deliver,
    Tell how He came to purchase life for all.

    Praise ye the Lord, for good it is to praise Him;
    O let the earth His majesty proclaim;
    Shout, shout for joy and bow the knee before Him;
    Sing to the harp and magnify His Name.

    Praise ye the Lord, Whose throne is everlasting;
    Praise ye the Lord, Whose gifts are ever new;
    Praise ye the Lord, Whose tender mercy falleth
    Pure as the rain and gentle as the dew.
    Praise ye the Lord, oh, glory hallelujah!
    Praise ye the Lord, Whose kingdom has no end;
    Praise ye the Lord, Who watcheth o’er the faithful,
    Praise ye the Lord, our never changing Friend.

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