where He wants me to be

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 40
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” (Mark 5:18-29) Where would you be right now if you could choose to be anywhere you wanted? Would you choose to be where you are, or somewhere else?

This healed, formerly demon-possessed man wanted to stay with Jesus, and who can blame him. If he was given a choice, he would go wherever Jesus was. And no doubt Joseph felt the same way; if he had a choice, he would not want to be in prison. But the cool thing is, our lives are a part of a bigger plan. And God sees things we don’t. God wants to use us for is mission, to help bring others back to Him, to help restore His kingdom on earth.

Jesus, who we decide to follow, sends us here, there and everywhere for a purpose. It may not be where we want to be, but it is where we need to be. He will also set the stage for our success. He will work among those that we speak, that we serve, that we help. He will give them experiences, dreams, or situations that will prime them for you.

You are where you are for a reason. In general, but also specifically, each day. At the store, in the park, at the bar, in the backyard, at the office, in the classroom… you have been sent there for a reason: tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been. Joseph did this in his own way, by directing the baker and the cup-bearer to the only One who could interpret dreams.

This is our mission, this is our purpose. If He has sent us, He will use us. Even if we have to wait for a long time (like Joseph, when the cup-bearer forgot), God does not forget, and He will use our testimony for a good result.

So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them. (Mark 5:20)

Lord, I am where I am today, and wherever I end up, for a reason. Prepare me to share with others Who You are, and what You have done for me!


  1. LORD, thank You that there are no co-incedences. Everything in life is a part of the BIG picture! You orchestrate, inspire, lead and direct, weaving all things together to do as You have planned and purposed to do.

    We know that the cup bearer and baker end up in prison to be with Joseph for Your greater plans. There is nothing You do not or cannot use for Your Kingdom work – for teaching, for fulfilling Your purpose.

    LORD, just as Joseph directed the attention to You before interpreting the dreams, may every conversation, every thing I do, lead to You NOT me but You. It is Your work; Your plans; Your purposes…… As others see the relation of situation and circumstances as they relate to You, Your work will be done. People will be drawn to You.

    The cup bearer obviously forgot Joseph once he was freed but Joseph knew that You hadn’t forgotten him and that in Your time, he too would be freed.

    Thank You LORD that You know where I need to be. Thank You LORD that I am where I am and that You are with me moment by moment, step by step. LORD, may I give voice to the work that You are doing in my life. May I give glory to You for the blessings and answered prayers in my life – NOT for me but for Your kingdom work. LORD, forgive me for my impatience when I forget that I am where I am for such a time as this. Make me an instrument, an instrument of worship in Your hands……

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