
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 37
God is setting the stage for another prediction, unknown to Joseph or his brothers (Genesis 15:13-16). The Israelites, reading this, would know where this story is going. They might even be thinking, “don’t do it, sons of Israel, don’t send Joseph to Egypt, you will regret it!”.

But at this point of the story, they only see what they see, a spoiled and arrogant brother acting like the ‘king’ of the family. It makes me wonder what we don’t see. Our little ‘panels’ in the grand mosaic seem big to us, but trivial to the big picture. Do we see the consequences of our sinful choices, or do we trivialize them, as no big deal. Are my immoral choices today making life harder for others later on?

We can’t live in fear of this, we need to give our lives and choices over the Lord. But neither can we assume that our choices today do not have huge significance for others. We cannot take our choices lightly. Parents who neglect moral or spiritual training for their children today will see the consequences tomorrow. I know of a man planning to leave his wife, but I suspect he does not comprehend how this choice will affect his sons. Right now he is only thinking of himself and his own happiness.

It’s not all bad. Like I said before, God does not cause people to sin, but He uses their sinful choices to accomplish His will. As we will see, God will use the sinful action of Joseph’s brothers to help them and the surrounding nations during a severe famine. God has a way of turning even our bad choices to a helpful result. This doesn’t let us off the hook for our choices, but it is encouraging after the fact.

We are part of a bigger story. Our choices today have a bearing on the future of the world. Thankfully, God is steering things for His purpose. But we need to choose prayerfully, wisely, trusting that God will use our flawed attempts to build His kingdom.

Lord, You were crucified by sinful, selfish people, but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened. Thank You for dying and rising for me, and for securing my past, present and future!


  1. “Now Israel loved Joseph more …” v3

    “They (his brothers) hated him even more …” v5

    love and hate … which part of more is really helpful here?

    Lord, help me to not sacrifice one passion for the sake of another.

  2. LORD once again we see the results of sin. Siblings pitted against siblings. Jealousy fed by a father’s favourtism. Pride and arrogance rising up out of this favourtism that only continues to feed the anger and jealousy. LORD, we need to be so careful as adults as the messages that we are conveying as we raise up this next generation. This is true for parents but also for teachers, leaders and all adult roles when working with others. Someone is always being affected by our comments, our actions….. LORD, may I always choose my words wisely. May I always be conscious of what my actions may or may not be saying….

    Joseph allowed pride and arrogance to make things worse between himself and his brothers. Keep us humble LORD.

    Do we see a hint of conscience as the brothers realize that they do not want Joseph’s blood upon their hands? Perhaps but selling their brother into slavery, a life they must have known would also be brutal for this brother of theirs. The blood might not actually have touched their hands physically, but they certainly were accomplisses in all that would happen to their brother. How often LORD, do we try to justify things in our lives to make us ‘feel’ better, to make us think that we have removed ourselves from something when actually, if we are honest, we are just as guilty as if we had committed the sin by our own hands? LORD, keep us from falling into such traps of deceipt.

    When Reuben comes back to the cistern, we see his first response to Joseph not being there as being so concerned for himself. He didn’t even ask what had happened to Joseph. Reuben was trying to protect his brother in his own mind by thinking he’d come back to rescue him later but why didn’t he stand up for his brother’s life in the first place. LORD, what do I / who do I think of first when I find myself facing trials, difficult situations especially in situations that I myself have been somewhat a part of. Do I recognize my own part in such things or am I quick to justify or reason my way through? LORD, we cannot hide from You. We cannot trick You, we cannot make things anything less than they are in Your eyes. Help us to live in/by Your truth.

    LORD, Jacob had deceived many in his life and now we see that he is being deceived. LORD, may this remind us that wrong choices, wrong life styles, all sins have consequences that will continue to affect our lives and lives connected to us. I give You thanks and praise LORD that by Your Spirit power things can be different. That You can and do make all things work to further Your Kingdom. You can and do make beautiful from the ugliness of our broken and sinful world. LORD, thank You that You are not finished. May I live today to bless others…..

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