My story

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 107
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…” (Psalm 107:2)
This is a great reading for the Thanksgiving weekend (in Canada).
We are encouraged to tell our God stories, how God helped or rescued or saved or restored us.
God’s greatness and goodness is not just for the theologians or philosophers, it is part of everyday life.
How has God redeemed (or whatever word fits) you?
For me God’s forgiveness, patience and kindness despite my slowness stand out.
I have never had traumatic or dramatic life experiences, mine has been a slow, easy journey.
But that slow, easy journey has made me slow to learn, and easy to settle.
I don’t envy people their traumatic, dramatic testimonies, but I do envy their deep faith and joy.
My story is still my story, and in the end it will be all about God’s grace.
There are still personal issues in my life I need to deal with, but God gives me hope.
I see Jesus, by my side, leading me through this cross to the crown that awaits me.
He keeps me going, assuring me that He began this journey in me, He will see it through to completion.
This is why I give thanks to the Lord, He really is good, and His love does last forever!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Give thanks.
    Each day needs to be a day of thanksgiving.
    Knowing who I am, what do I do with my story?
    How will the next generation know all what the Lord God has done in my life?
    I need to tell my story – HisStory – to one and all. All what the Lord God has done for me. How He led me and kept me safe when hit by a car or even the bus. Thank You Lord.
    id I see His hand upon my life then? Now?
    Give thanks for He is good. He is at work. He is always there.
    In all things I need to see the hand of the Lord and how it all brings glory and honour and praise to His holy name.
    Give thanks.
    See God at work always.
    Walk with Him.
    Enjoy the day in joy
    walking with the risen Saviour.

    Give thanks to God, for good is He, His grace abideth ever;
    To Him all praise and glory be, His mercy faileth never.
    His wondrous works with praise record, His grace abideth ever;
    The only God, the sovereign Lord, Whose mercy faileth never.

    His wisdom made the heavens be, His grace abideth ever;
    He spread the earth above the sea, His mercy faileth never.
    Praise Him Whose sun doth bring the day, His grace abideth ever;
    The moon and stars His might display, Whose mercy faileth never.

    He helped us in our deepest woe, His grace abideth ever;
    He ransomed us from all our foes, His mercy faileth never.
    Each creature’s need He doth supply, His grace abideth ever;
    Give thanks to God, enthroned on high, Whose mercy faileth never.

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