The fullness of God in the flesh

SCRIPTURE: John 1:6-18
Who was John the Baptist, Who was Jesus – the early Jesus-followers had to figure this out.
They knew what a prophet was, they had a long list of prophets they knew of.
John was definitely a prophet, someone who pointed the way to the truth.
But Jesus was different; though something of a prophet, He was more.
He was the truth (or light or life) that the prophets (and even Moses) pointed to.
Jesus was not just another human being – He was the Eternal Word/Voice of God made flesh, living WITH us.
John pointed to the way; Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.
As God, he is the source of grace and truth.
In His close connection to God, He is the key to life and light.
“Out of his fullness we have all received grace.” (John 1:16)
If you want to know God, experience God, see God… look at Jesus.
There is nothing or no one closer to God, since He is WITH God, He is God!
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
This may be hard to wrap your mind around, but because we’re talking about God – you can’t.
Instead of trying to wrap your mind around it, open your heart to it.
Open yourself to Jesus, and allow God’s light, life, truth, grace overflow in/through you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am glad that I can’t wrap my mind around Your mysterious nature. It’s one more proof that You are not just human. Thank You for bring God close to us, and for blessing us with His fullness.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    John bore witness to Jesus Christ. He was not the true Light but his light reflected the true Light. God use John as a witness for the True LightShine.. John’s life pointed to Jesus. He was His witness.
    And so am I.
    I too need to LightShine. I too need to be a light for all to see.
    I am reminded of Max Lucado’s story of the candles in he closet, not being ready to do their God-given task but needed more practise – to shine.
    My light must not be under a bushel, but Lord help me each day also to LightShine for You in all I do and say. Help me be a witness this and every day.

    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    Hide it under a bushel? No!
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Hide it under a bushel? No!
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Hide it under a bushel? No!
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

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