He will remember you…

SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:39-43
One of the criminals on the cross next to Jesus has a change of heart.
Hearing Jesus forgive everyone seems to break his own hardened heart.
He has hated all his life, and this is where it led him.
He is dying in defeat and despair, but this man next to him is dying with hope and love.
He senses that this is a man of character, integrity, a man with hope and strength even in death.
The Spirit of God in him helps him to see that his own life is going nowhere, but this man next to him…
‘Remember me… extend your mercy to me, do something to help me, forgive me too.’
Many people, when they come to the end of their lives, realize their need for mercy.
I have had someone say to me in their last hours, ‘put in a good word for me’.
I told him I didn’t have to, that Jesus did already.
‘Father’ forgive him too, he didn’t know what he was doing’.
I do not believe that everyone will be saved in the end.
I do believe that everyone who reaches this point of honesty, who realizes their need for mercy and wants to be remembered, will be.
Those who stand before God and Jesus and angrily say ‘GET AWAY FROM ME’ will get what they want.
Those who stand before God and Jesus and genuinely say ‘HAVE MERCY ON ME’ will get what they want.
Jesus shows us that God is ready to forgive us, even at the very last moment.
“God our Saviour… wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4).
Everyone who sincerely calls on the name of the Lord – have mercy on me, remember me – will be welcomed in paradise!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I don’t have to wait to the end of my life to realize my need to be remembered with mercy. Thank You for the assurance of forgiveness and paradise, undeserving as I am.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    True repentance is never too late. None can be sure that they will have time to repent before their death. God’s grace is always there.. Even in His agony the Lord would remember him. He would remember the penitent thief. The kingdom is open to all penitent thieves – believers. The other thief was hard hearted in unbelief. The kingdom is open to all who profess that Jesus is Lord. Then they may die and live forevermore.

    I have wandered in sin, and my soul is defiled,
    But I know Jesus died on the tree;
    And the Father in mercy will make me His child,
    For the blood, it will cleanse even me.
    Make me clean, make me clean,
    Though defiled and so sinful I am;
    Make me clean, make me clean,
    Make me clean in the blood of the Lamb.

    Lord, I give up my sin, and I turn unto Thee,
    From Thy love do not cast me away;
    Though my guilt is so great, hear my heart’s earnest plea—
    Have compassion, and save me today.

    There’s no hope but in Thee; to Thy promise I flee,
    There to anchor my storm-driven soul;
    Let Thy favor and love be extended to me,
    Through the all-cleansing blood make me whole.

    How I loathe all the sins that have burdened my heart,
    And have filled it with sadness and woe,
    Now in Calvary’s stream bid uncleanness depart,
    Make me whiter, yes, whiter than snow.

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