Up-side down or right-side up?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:1-7
“We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Messiah, a king.” (Luke 23:2)
Two out of three… they were right on two of these charges.
Jesus did not oppose paying taxes, but He did claim to be Messiah, a king.
And this claim was subversive, it did undermine the power and authority of the established system or institution.
Jesus was not a revolutionary, He was not promoting rebellion or the violent overthrow of the leaders.
But His words and actions were contrary to the established order – the order of the selfish kingdom.
By advocating love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, self-sacrifice, He was being subversive.
Subversive against human nature, and the kingdoms this nature builds.
He was turning the world up-side down, or rather, right-side up!
Jesus represents a different kingdom, a better world, God’s world.
Jesus is living for a cause greater than Himself – the kingdom of God.
Those who live this way confuse others; Pilate couldn’t find Him guilty, but He couldn’t ignore Him either.
This is how Jesus followers also live, for a different set of values and priorities, for a different kingdom.
If we practice what Jesus taught, and live as Jesus lived, we will also confuse people.
Never underestimate the power of the kingdom of God; it seems weak, but it is powerful.
God is remaking the world through kingdom subversives like Jesus, like us.
He is turning the world right-side up!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want to stand with You for love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, generosity and self-sacrifice. I want to confuse others by my kingdom priorities and values. Ultimately I want to draw them in.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The whole assembly – mob rule? – making false claims regarding the payment of taxes. Remember to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is His? But two or three witnesses make it a truth eh? Not! Jesus did stir up the ‘people’ – the religious leaders by His Word and Deed ministry but did not undermine the government. His way was against the religious establishment and their false teachings. He did disrupt their way. It was a challenge to their lifestyle.
    And so I too must be sure that my lifestyle reflects His Way and not my comfortable desires.

    Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
    Striving to please Him in all that I do;
    Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free,
    This is the pathway of blessing for me.

    O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
    For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me.
    I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne.
    My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.

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