Wake up call!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 21:34-38
Weighed down by … carousing, drunkenness, the anxieties of life.
Things that hold us down, or back, things that keep us from looking up, or moving forward.
Jesus is warning us to think very carefully about how we are living, and what we are distracted by.
It’s like a message to the captain of the Titanic – be careful, don’t assume you are unsinkable.
“Be always on the watch” sounds extreme, but is it?
Isn’t it the long stretches on the highway that lull us to sleep, is that when we need to be extra diligent?
We become wrapped up in our lives, or luxuries, or pleasures, and assume this is all there is to life.
We forget that we live in a dangerous world, that our hearts are prone to wander, and that we have a spiritual enemy eager to distract, discourage and defeat us.
Though the destruction of Jerusalem was still 40 years away, Jesus says “Be always on the watch!”
What are the things weighing you down, burdening you, distracting you?
What are the unhealthy attitudes or behaviours that are keeping me from living life like I could, like I should?
We don’t know the time or hour of Christ’s return…
But we do know the things that will keep us from standing confidently before Him.
Jesus is warning you and me, with love and concern, to renew our position in Him!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I sense that we have been lulled into apathy by the delay in Your return, and in the easiness of life in this part of the world. Satan is sly… This is a wake up call!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Be ready.
    Be ready for His return.
    Jesus is coming. When?
    We do not know of the day nor hour.
    In the meantime, live with faithful vigilance, expectation, hope, daily living in His presence since every day is a day of our Lord – a Lord’s Day – for Kingdom service.
    The story goes Luther was asked what he would be doing if the Lord came today. Answer. Working in His garden.
    All is for the Lord each and every day.
    I need to be a faithful servant this day in His garden since the Master may come my day and give an accounting of what I have done with the gifts given to me.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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